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Karentované periodiká s IF:
- Zubor P, Kubatka P, Kajo K, Dankova Z, Polacek H, Bielik T, Kudela E, Samec M, Liskova A, Vlcakova D, Kulkovska T, Stastny I, Holubekova V, Bujnak J, Laucekova Z, Büsselberg D, Adamek M, Kuhn W, Danko J, Golubnitschaja O. Why the gold standard approach by mammography demands extension by multiomics? Application of liquid biopsy miRNA profiles to breast cancer disease management. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jun 13;20(12). pii: E2878. (IF=xxx)
- Kudela E, Nachajova M, Danko J. Is the HPV virus responsible for the development of breast cancer? Breast J. 2019 Jun 6. [Epub ahead of print]. (IF=xxx)
- Brany D, Dvorska D, Grendar M, Nachajova M, Szepe P, Lasabova Z, Zubor P, Visnovsky J, Halasova E. Different methylation levels in the KLF4, ATF3 and DLEC1 genes in the myometrium and in the corpus uteri mesenchymal tumours as assessed by MS-HRM. Pathol Res Pract. 2019 May 23 [Epub ahead of print] (IF=xxx)
- Samec M, Liskova A, Kubatka P, Uramova S, Zubor P, Samuel SM, Zulli A, Pec M, Bielik T, Biringer K, Kudela E, Benacka J, Adamek M, Rodrigo L, Ciccocioppo R, Kwon TK, Baranenko D, Kruzliak P, Büsselberg D. The role of dietary phytochemicals in the carciunogenesis via the modulation of miRNA expression. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019 May 24. [Epub ahead of print]. (IF=xxx)
- Grendar M, Loderer D, Laucekova Z, Svecova I, Hrtankova M, Hornakova A, Nagy B, Zubor P, Lasabova Z, Danko J. Uncertainity of fetal fraction determination in non-invasive prenatal screening by highly polymorphic SNPs. J Biotechnol. 2019 Apr 26. pii: S0168-1656(19)30143-9. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=xxx)
- Dankova Z, Zubor P, Grendár M, Zelinová K, Jagelková M, Stastny I, Kapinová A, Vargová D, Kasajová P, Dvorská D, Kalman M, Danko J, Lasabová Z. Predictive accuracy of the breast cancer genetic risk model based on eight common genetic variants: The BACkSIDE study. J Biotechnol. 2019 Apr 16;299:1-7. (IF=xxx)
- Kudela E. Preterm delivery caused by altered microbial environment and HPV infection. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019 Feb 10. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=xxx)
- Kubatka P, Uramova S, Kello M, Kajo K, Samec M, Jasek K, Vybohova D, Liskova A, Mojzis J, Adamkov M, Zubor P, Smejkal K, Svajdlenka E, Solar P, Samuel SM, Zulli A, Kassayova M, Lasabova Z, Kwon TK, Pec M, Danko J, Büsselberg D. Anticancer activities of Thymus vulgaris L. in experimental breast carcinoma in vivo and in vitro. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Apr 9;20(7). pii: E1749. (IF=xxx)
- Goncharenko V, Bubnov R, Polivka J Jr, Zubor P, Biringer K, Bielik T, Kuhn W, Golubnitschaja O. Vaginal dryness: individualised patient profiles, risks and mitigating measures. EPMA J. 2019 Mar 2;10(1):73-79. (IF=xxx)
- Kapinova A, Kubatka P, Liskova A, Baranenko D, Kruzliak P, Matta M, Büsselberg D, Malicherova B, Zulli A, Kwon TK, Jezkova E, Blahutova D, Zubor P, Danko J. Controlling metastatic cancer: the role of phytochemicals in cell signaling. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=xxx)
- Liskova A, Kubatka P, Samec M, Zubor P, Mlyncek M, Bielik T, Samuel SM, Zulli A, Kwon TK, Büsselberg D. Dietary Phytochemicals Targeting Cancer Stem Cells. Molecules. 2019 Mar 4;24(5). pii: E899. (IF=xxx)
- Meršaková S, Holubeková V, Grendár M, Višňovský J, Ňachajová M, Kalman M, Kúdela E, Žúbor P, Bielik T, Lasabová Z, Danko J. Methylation of CADM1 and MAL together with HPV status in cytological cervical specimens serves an important role in the progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Oncol Lett. 2018 Dec;16(6):7166-7174. (IF=xxx)
- Uramova S, Kubatka P, Dankova Z, Kapinova A, Zolakova B, Samec M, Zubor P, Zulli A, Valentova V, Kwon TK, Solar P, Kello M, Kajo K, Busselberg D, Pec M, Danko J. Plant natural modulators in breast cancer prevention: status quo and future perspectives reinforced by predictive, preventive and personalized medical approach. EPMA J. 2018 Nov 12;9(4):403-419. (IF=xxx)
- Dankova Z, Brany D, Dvorska D, Nachajova M, Fiolka R, Grendar M, Hatok J, Kubatka P, Holubekova V, Halasova E, Bielik T, Zubor P. Methylation status of KLF4 and HS3ST2 genes as predictors of endometrial cancer and hyperplastic endometrial lesions. Int J Mol Med. 2018 Dec;42(6):3318-3328 (IF=xxx)
- Kudela E, Nachajova M, Balharek T, Gabonova E, Danko J. Mullerian adenosarcomas of the uterine cervix with sarcomatous overgrowth. Curr Probl Cancer. 2018 Nov 30. pii: S0147-0272(18)30267-8. (IF=xxx).
- Sokol J, Skerenova M, Biringer K, Simurda T, Kubisz P, Stasko J. Glycoprotein VI gene variants afect pregnancy loss in patients with platelet hyperaggregability. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2018 Oct 2:1076029618802358. [Epub ahead of print]. (IF=xxx)
- Zubor P, Kubatka P, Kapustova I, Miloseva L, Dankova Z, Gondova A, Bielik T, Krivus S, Bujnak J, Laucekova Z, Kehrer C, Kudela E, Danko J. Current approaches in the clinical management of pregnancy-associated breast cancer-pros and cons. EPMA J. 2018 Jun 24;9(3):257-270. (IF=xxx)
- Kapinova A, Kubatka P, Golubnitschaja O, Kello M, Zubor P, Solar P, Pec M. Dietary phytochemicals in breast cancer research: anticancer effects and potential utility for effective chemoprevention. Environ Health Prev Med. 2018 Aug 9;23(1):36. (IF=xxx)
- Zubor P, Kubatka P, Dankova Z, Gondova A, Kajo K, Hatok J, Samec M, Jagelkova M, Krivus S, Holubekova V, Bujnak J, Laucekova Z, Zelinova K, Stastny I, Nachajova M, Danko J, Golubnitschaja O. miRNA in a multiomic context for diagnosis, treatment monitoring and personalized management of metastatic breast cancer. Future Oncol. 2018 Aug;14(18):1847-1867. (IF=xxx)
- Kudela E, Visnovsky J, Balharek T, Farkasova A, Zubor P, Plank L, Danko J. Different amplification patterns of 3q26 and 5p15 regions in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2018 Aug;35:16-20. (IF=xxx)
- Mendelova A, Holubekova V, Grendar M, Zubor P, Svecova I, Loderer D, Snahnicanova Z, Biringer K, Danko J, Lasabova Z. Association between 3´UTR polymorphisms in genes ACVR2A, AGTR1 and RGS2 and preeclampsia. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2018 Mar;37(2):185-192. (IF=xxx)
- Vazanova A, Jurecekova J, Balharek T, Marcinek J, Stasko J, Dzian A, Plank L, Zubor P, Racay P, Hatok J. Differential mRNA expression of the main apoptotic proteins in normal and malignant cells and its relation to in vitro resistance. Cancer Cell Int. 2018 Mar 5;18:33. (IF=xxx)
- Abotaleb M, Kubatka P, Caprnda M, Varghese E, Zolakova B, Zubor P, Opatrilova R, Kruzliak P, Stefanicka P, Büsselberg D. Chemotherpeutic agents for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer: An update. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018 May;101:458-477. (IF=xxx)
- Kubatka P, Zubor P, Busselberg D, Kwon TK, Adamek M, Petrovic D, Opatrilova R, Gazdikova K, Caprnda M, Rodrigo L, Danko J, Kruzliak P. Melatonin and breast cancer: Evidences from preclinical and human studies. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2018 Feb;122:133-143. (IF=xxx)
- Kavalcikova-Bogdanova N, Kovacikova L, Buday T, Biringer K, Sivakova J, Calkovsky V, Antosova M, Plevkova J. Sensitivity of airway cough-related afferents is influenced by female sex hormones. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018 Jan 8. pii: S1569-9048(17)30373-7. (IF=xxx)
- Dankova Z, Zubor P, Grendar M, Kapinova A, Zelinova K, Jagelkova M, Gondova A, Dokus K, Kalman M, Lasabova Z, Danko J. Association of single nucleotide polymorphism in FGF-RAS/MAP signalling cascade with breast cancer susceptibility. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2017 Dec;36(5):565-572. (IF=1.479)
- Fialkova V, Vidomanova E, Balharek T, Marcinek J, Kudela E, Hanysova S, Visnovsky J, Dobrota D, Hatok J. DNA methylation as mechanism of apoptotic resistance development in endometrial cancer patients. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2017 Dec;36(5):521-529. (IF=1.479)
- Škereňová M, Sokol J, Biringer K, Ivanková J, Staško J, Kubisz P, Lasabová Z. GP6 Haplotype of missense variants is associated with sticky platelet syndrome manifested by fetal loss. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2018 Jan;24(1):63-69.(IF=1.852)
- Bojková B, Kajo K, Kisková T, Kubatka P, Zubor P, Solár P, Péč M, Adamkov M. Metformin and melatonin inhibit DMBA-induced mammary tumorigenesis in rats fed a high-fat diet. Anticancer Drugs. 2017 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=xxx)
- Kapinova A, Stefanicka P, Kubatka P, Zubor P, Uramova S, Kello M, Mojzis J, Blahutova D, Qaradakhi T, Zulli A, Caprnda M, Danko J, Lasabova Z, Busselberg D, Kruzliak P. Are plant-based functional foods better choice against cancer than single phytochemicals? A critical review of current breast cancer research. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Dec;96:1465-1477. (IF=3.457)
- Holubekova V, Mendelova A, Jasek K, Mersakova S, Zubor P, Lasabova Z. Epigenetic regulation by DNA methylation and miRNA molecules in cancer. Future Oncol. 2017 Oct;13(25):2217-2222. (IF=2.369)
- Smokovski I, Risteski M, Polivka J Jr, Zubor P, Konieczka K, Costigliola V, Golubnitschaja O. Postmenopausal breast cancer: European challenge and innovative concepts. EPMA J. 2017 May 30;8(2):159-169. (IF=3.900)
- Zubor P, Gondova A, Polivka J Jr, Kasajova P, Konieczka K, Danko J, Golubnitschaja O. Breast cancer and Flammer syndrome: any symptoms in common for prediction, prevention and personalised medical approach? EPMA J. 2017 Apr 10;8(2):129-140. (IF=3.900)
- Bubnov R, Polivka J Jr, Zubor P, Konieczka K, Golubnitschaja O. "Pre-metastatic niches" in breast cancer: are they created by or r prio to the tumour onset? "Flammer Syndrome" relevance to address the question. EPMA J. 2017 May 2;8(2):141-157. (IF=3.900)
- Dvorská D, Braný D, Danková Z, Halašová E, Višňovský J. Molecular and clinical attributes of uterine leiomyomas. Tumour Biol. 2017 Jun;39(6):1010428317710226. (IF=2.926)
- Kubatka P, Uramova S, Kello M, Kajo K, Kruzliak P, Mojzis J, Vybohova D, Adamkov M, Jasek K, Lasabova Z, Zubor P, Fialova S, Dokupilova S, Solar P, Pec M, Adamicova K, Danko J, Adamek M, Busselberg D. Antineoplastic effects of clove buds (Syzygium aromaticum L.) in the model of breast carcinoma. J Cell Mol Med. 2017 Nov;21(11):2837-2851. (IF=4.302)
- Jezkova E, Zubor P, Kajo K, Grendar M, Dokus K, Adamkov M, Lasabova Z, Plank L, Danko J. Impact of RASSF1A gene methylation on the metastatic axillary nodal status in breast cancer patients. Oncol Lett. 2017 Jul;14(1):758-766. (IF=1.664)
- Zubor P, Svecova I, Moricova P, Pec J, Adamicova K, Danko J. Early flare-up of severe Herpes gestationis (Pemphigoid gestationis) and successfull prolonged treatment: A case report. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2017 Aug;37(6):824-826. (IF=0.545)
- Varinska L, Kubatka P, Mojzis J, Zulli A, Gazdikova K, Zubor P, Büsselberg D, Caprnda M, Opatrilova R, Gasparova I, Klabusay M, Pec M, Fibach E, Adamek M, Kruzliak P. Angiomodulators in cancer therapy: New perspectives. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Feb 28;89:578-590. (IF=3.457)
- Jezkova E, Kajo K, Zubor P, Grendar M, Michaligova B, Mendelova A, Dokus K, Lasabova Z, Plank L, Danko J. Methylation in promoter regions of PITX2 and RASSF1Aa genes in association with clinicopathological features in breast cancer patients. Tumour Biol. 2016 Oct 15. [Epub ahead of print] (IF=3.650)
- Holubeková V, Mendelová A, Grendár M, Meršaková S, Kapustová I, Jašek K, Vaňochová A, Danko J, Lasabová Z. Methylation pattern of CDH1 promoter and its association with CDH1 gene expression in cytological cervical specimens. Oncol Lett. 2016 Oct;12(4):2613-2621. (IF=1.390)
- Stanciakova L, Dobrotova M, Jedinakova Z, Duraj L, Skornova I, Korinkova L, Holly P, Danko J, Stasko J, Kubisz P. Monitoring of hemostasis and management of anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis in pregnant women with increased risk of fetal loss. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016 Sep;42(6):612-21. (IF=3.629)
- Kudela E, Biringer K, Kasajova P, Nachajova M, Adamkov M. Perivascular epitheloid cell tumors of the uterine cervix. Pathol Res Pract. 2016 Aug;212(8):667-71. (IF=1.543)
- Kasajova P, Holubekova V, Mendelova A, Lasabova Z, Zubor P, Kudela E, Biskupska-Bodova K, Danko J. Active cigarette smoking and the risk of breast cancer at the level of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) gene polymorphism. Tumour Biol. 2016 Jun;37(6):7929-37. (IF=3.650)
- Mersakova S, Nachajova M, Szepe P, Kasajova PS, Halasova E. DNA methylation and detection of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions using molecular methods. Tumour Biol. 2016 Jan;37(1):23-7. (IF=3.650)
- Kudela E, Holubekova V, Farkasova A, Danko J. Determination of malignant potential of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Tumour Biol. 2016 Feb;37(2):1521-5. (IF=3.650)
- Biringer K, Zubor P, Kudela E, Kolarovszki B, Zibolen M, Danko J. Arteriovenous malformation of vein of Galen as a rare non-hypoxic cause of changes in fetal heart pattern during labor. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2016 Mar;42(3):346-9. (IF=1.086)
- Visnovsky J, Kudela E, Nachajova M, Danko J. The examination of superior mesenteric artery circulation in the fetus during pregnancy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2016 Apr;29(7):1165-9. (IF=1.826)
- Sokol J, Skerenova M, Biringer K, Lasabova Z, Stasko J, Kubisz P. Gentic variations of the GP6 regulatory region in patients with sticky platelet syndrome and miscarriage. Expert Rev Hematol. 2015 Dec;8(6):863-8. (IF=2.439)
- Brany D, Dvorska D, Nachajova M, Slavik P, Burjanivova T. Malignant tumors of the uterine corpus: molecular bacground of the origin. Tumour Biol. 2015 Sep;36(9):6615-21. (IF=2.926)
- Nachajova M, Brany D, Dvorska D. Telomerase and the process of cervical carcinogenesis. Tumour Biol. 2015 Sep;36(10):7335-8. (IF=2.926)
- Sokol J, Biringer K, Skerenova M, Stasko J, Kubisz P, Danko J. Different models of inheritance in selected genes in patients with sticky platelet syndrome and fetal loses. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2015 Apr;41(3):330-5. (IF=3.505)
- Sutovska M, Kocmalova M, Sadlonova V, Dokus K, Adamkov M, Luptak J, Franova S. Orai1 protein expression and the role of calcium release-activated calcium channels in the contraction of human term-pregnant and non-pregnant myometrium. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2015 May;41(5):704-11 (IF=1.091)
- Zubor P, Hatok J, Moricova P, Kajo K, Kapustova I, Mendelova A, Racay P, Danko J. Gene expression abnormalities in histologically normal breast epithelium from patients with luminal type of breast cancer. Mol Biol Rep. 2015 May;42(5):977-88. (IF=1.698)
- Zubor P, Hatok J, Moricova P, Kapustova I, Kajo K, Mendelova A, Sivonova MK, Danko J. Gene expression profiling of histologically normal breast tissue in females with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer. Mol Med Rep. 2015 Feb;11(2):1421-7. (IF=1.559)
- Zubor P, Dokus K, Zigo I, Skerenova M, Pullmann R, Danko J. TNF-alpha G308A gene polymorphism has an impact on renal function, microvascular permeability, organ involvement and severity of preeclampsia. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2014;78:150-61. (IF=1.696)
- Sokol J, Biringer K, Skerenova M, Stasko J, Kubisz P. Activity of coagulation factor XI in patients with spontaneous miscarriage: The presence of risk alleles. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2014 Dec 17:1-4. (IF=0.551)
- Kudela E, Farkasova A, Visnovsky J, Balharek T, Sumichrastova P, Sivakova J, Plank L, Danko J. Amplification of 3q26 and 5p15 regions in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2014 Oct;93(10):997-1002. (IF=2.426)
- Janusicova V, Mendelova A, Zubor P, Kapustova I, Svecova I, Kudela E, Burjanivova T, Lasabova Z, Danko J. mRNA expression in cervical specimens for determination of severe dysplasia or worse in HPV-16/18 positive squamous lesions. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2014 Jul;18(3):273-80. (IF=1.994)
- Lasabova Z, Zigo I, Svecova I, Szabo G, Stanclova A, Skerenova M, Zubor P, Biskupska-Bodova K, Rigo J, Nagy B, Danko J. Association of specific diplotypes defined by common rs1800682 and rare rs34995925 single nucleotide polymorphisms within the STAT1 transcription binding site of the FAS gene promoter with preeclampsia. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2014;33(2):199-204. (IF=1.173)
- Zubor P, Kajo K, Dokus K, Krivus S, Straka L, Bodova KB, Danko J. Recurent secondary postpartum hemorrhages due to placental site vessel subinvolution and local uterine tissue coagulopathy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014 Feb 21;14:80. (IF=2.190)
- Zubor P, Caliskan M, Kajo K, Soybir G, Topuzlu C, Danko J. Ethnic disparities in breast cancer between Central Europe Caucasian women of Slavic origin and Middle East Turkish subjects. Neoplasma. 2014;61(1):110-7 (IF=1.865)
- Sivák Š, Bittšanský M, Grossmann J, Nosál' V, Kantorová E, Siváková J, Demková A, Hnilicová P, Dobrota D, Kurča E. Clinical correlations of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings in acute phase after mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj. 2014;28(3):341-6. (IF=1.808)
- Dokus K, Zubor P, Matasova K, Visnovsky J, Danko J. Impact of fetal pulse oximetry and ST analysis surveillance withdrawal on rates of obstetric surgery and frequency of low birth umbilical artery pH: a case of rising caesarean rates? J Obstet Gynaecol. 2013 Oct;33(7):685-8. (IF=0.604)
- Dokus K, Dokusova S. Comment on: Goldbert et al. Circadian variation in the response to the glucose challenge test in pregnancy: implications for screening for gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2013 Mar;36(3):e38. (IF=8.57)
- Fiolka R, Zubor P, Janusicova V, Visnovsky J, Mendelova A, Kajo K, Lasabova Z, Plank L, Danko J. Promoter hypermethylation of the tumor-suppressor genes RASSF1A, GSTP1 and CDH1 in endometrial cancer. Oncol Rep. 2013 Dec;30(6):2878-86.(IF=2.191)
- Straka L, Janik M, Novomesky F, Stuller F, Zubor P, Hejna P. Snow Groomer Vehicle-Related Fatality: An Illustrative Case Study of the Importance of Medicolegal Involvement. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2013 Sep;34(3):181-4. (IF=0.624)
- Kolarovszki B, Zubor P, Kolarovszka H, Benco M, Richterova R, Matasova K. The assessment of intracranial dynamics by transcranial Doppler sonography in perioperative period in paediatric hydrocephalus. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Feb;287(2):229-38 (IF=1.279)
- Sokol J, Biringer K, Skerenova M, Hasko M, Bartosova L, Stasko J, Danko J, Kubisz P. Platelet aggregation abnormalities in patients with fetal losses: the GP6 gene polymorphism. Fertil Steril. 2012 Nov;98(5):1170-4 (IF=4.174)
- Weissenbacher ER, Donders G, Unzeitig V, Martinez de Tejada B, Gerber S, Halaška M, Špaček J; Fluomizin Study Group (Bergauer F, Bosteels F, Chovanec J, Danko J, Hinoul P, Mašata J, Ričánek J, Verguts L.). A comparison of dequalinium chloride vaginal tablets (Fluomizin) and clindamycin vaginal cream in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis: a single-blind, randomized clinical trial efficacy and safety. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2012;73(1):8-15. (IF = 1.103)
- Ondrusova M, Zubor P, Ondrus D. Time trends in cervical cancer epidemiology in the Slovak Republic: reflection on the non-implementation of screening with international comparisons. Neoplasma. 2012;59(2):121-8. (IF = 1.574)
- Straka L, Zubor P, Novomesky F, Stuller F, Krajcovic J, Kajo K, Danko J. Fatal alcohol intoxication in women: A forensic autopsy study from Slovakia. BMC Public Health. 2011 Dec 14;11(1):924. (IF = 2.00)
- Visnovsky J, Biringer K, Dokus K. A case of severe dysmelia of all extremities. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2011;30(6):375-9. (IF = 0.613)
- Sadlonova V, Franova S, Dokus K, Janicek F, Visnovsky J, Sadlonova J. Participation of BK(Ca2+) and K(ATP) potassium ion channels in the contractility of human term pregnant myometrium in in vitro conditions. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Mar;37(3):215-21. (IF=0.942)
- Hatok J, Zubor P, Galo S, Kirschnerova R, Dobrota D, Danko J, Racay P. Endometrial aromatase mRNA as a possible screening tool for advanced endometriosis and adenomyosis. Gynecological Endocrinology 2011 May;27(5):331-6. (IF=1.581)
- Matasova K, Dokus K, Zubor P, Danko J, Zibolen M. Physiological changes in blood flow velocities in the superior mesenteric and coeliac artery in healthy term fetuses and newborns during perinatal period. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011 Jun;24(6):827-32. (IF=2.071)
- Kajo K, Zubor P, Danko J. Myoid (Muscular) Hamartoma of the Breast: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Breast Care 2010;5:331-334 (IF=0.364)
- Lasabova Z, Tilandyova P, Kajo K, Zubor P, Burjanivova T, Danko J, Plank L. Hypermethylation of the GSTP1 promoter region in breast cancer is associated with prognostic clinicopathological parameters. Neoplasma 2010;57(1):35-40. (IF=1.449)
- Zubor P, Szunyogh N, Dokus K, Scasny P, Kajo K, Galo S, Biringer K, Krivus S, Danko J. Application of uterotonics on the basis of regular ultrasonic evaluation of the uterus prevents unnecessary surgical intervention in the postpartum period. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2010 Sep;282(3):261-7 (IF=1.072)
- Zubor P, Hatok J, Galo S, Dokus K, Klobusiakova D, Danko J, Racay P. Anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic gene expression evaluated from eutopic endometrium in the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle among women with endometriosis and healthy controls. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2009;145:172-176. (IF=1.582)
- Biringer K, Zubor P, Visnovsky J, Danko J. Delayed delivery following unusual flare-up pelvic abscess after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Fertility and Sterility 2009;91(5):1956.e5-7. (IF=3.970)
- Zubor P, Stanclova A, Kajo K, Hatok J, Klobusiakova D, Visnovsky J, Danko J. The p53 codon 72 exon 4 BstUI polymorphism and endometrial cancer in Caucasian women. Oncology 2009;76(3):173-183. (IF=2.112)
- Franova S, Janicek F, Visnovsky J, Dokus K, Zubor P, Sutovska M, Nosalova G. Utero-relaxant effect of PDE4-selective inhibitor alone and in simultaneous administration with beta2-mimetic on oxytocin-induced contractions in pregnant myometrium. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2009;35(1):20-25. (IF=0.777)
- Zubor P, Dokus K, Kajo K, Danko J. Integration of polymorphic data into the clinical management of breast cancer. The Lancet Oncology 2008;9(12):1121-1122. (IF=13.283)
- Szunyogh N, Renate Becker C, Visnovsky J. Human and software error in ductus venosus Doppler waveform analysis. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 2008;36(7):427-9. (IF=0.843)
- Zubor P, Kajo K, Szunyogh N, Danko J. Autopsies and improved perinatal mortality in Slovakia. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2008;137(1):114-115. (IF=1.565)
- Zubor P, Kajo K, Stanclova A, Szunyogh N, Galo S, Dussan CA, Minarik G, Visnovsky J, Danko J. Human epithelial growth factor receptor 2[Ile655Val] polymorphism and risk of breast fibroadenoma. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2008;17(1):33-38. (IF=1.865)
- Dussan C, Zubor P, Fernandez M, Yabar A, Szunyogh N, Visnovsky J. Spontaneous Regression of a Breast Carcinoma: A Case Report. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 2008;65(3):206-211. (IF=1.417)
- Zubor P, Danko J, Kajo K, Szunyogh N. Low affordability may limit the effect of cervical cancer vaccination in Central and Eastern European countries. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2007;25(34):5534-5537. (IF=15.484)
- Kajo K, Zubor P, Barthova M, Plank L. Scoring index for prediction of HER-2 status in the invasive breast carcinoma. Experimental Oncology 2007;29(4):281-286. (IF=0.752)
- Szunyogh N, Zubor P, Visnovsky J, Danko J. The effects of epidural analgesia on the fetus: a Doppler ultrasonographic study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007;30(4):426. (IF=2.672)
- Kajo K, Zubor P. Tumour-like florid cystic endosalpingiosis of the uterus. Histopathology. 2007 Nov;51(5):709 (IF=1.535)
- Kajo K, Zubor P, Spacek J, Ryska A. Carcinosarcoma of the uterus with melanocytic differentiation. Pathology Research and Practice 2007;203(10):753-758. (IF=1.080)
- Szunyogh N, Mikus J, Zubor P, Visnovsky J, Danko J. Ductus venosus Doppler measurement during labor. Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2007;35(5):403-407. (IF=1.101)
- Zubor P, Lasabova Z, Hatok J, Stanclova A, Danko J. A polymorphism C3435T of the MDR-1gene associated with smoking or high body mass index increases the risk of sporadic breast cancer in women. Oncology Report 2007;18(1):211-217. (IF=1.597)
- Zubor P, Kajo K, Szunyogh N, Galo S, Danko J. A solitary fibrous tumor in the broad ligament of the uterus. Pathology Research and Practice 2007;203(7):555-560. (IF=1.080)
- Franekova M, Zubor P, Stanclova A, Dussan CA, Bohusova T, Galo S, Dobrota D, Kajo K, Pec M, Racay P. Association of p53 polymorphisms with breast cancer: a case-control study in Slovak population. Neoplasma. 2007;54(2):155-161. (IF=1.208)
- Szunyogh N, Zubor P, Dokus K, Galo S, Visnovsky J, Danko J. Uterine activity and ductus venosus flow velocity patterns during the first stage of labor. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2006;95(1):18-23. (IF=1.144)
- Zubor P, Kajo K, Dussan CA, Szunyogh N, Danko J. Rapidly growing nodular pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia of the breast in an 18-year-old girl. APMIS. 2006;114(5):389-392. (IF=1.876)
- Szunyogh N, Galo S, Zubor P, Visnovsky J. Atypical ductus venosus blood flow pattern during a prolonged fetal heart rate deceleration in labor. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006;27(6):712. (IF=2.288)
- Zubor P, Vojvodova A, Danko J, Kajo K, Szunyogh N, Lasabova Z, Biringer K, Visnovsky J, Dokus K, Galajda P, Plank L. HER-2 [Ile655Val] polymorphism in association with breast cancer risk: a population-based case-control study in Slovakia. Neoplasma 2006;53(1):49-55. (IF=1.247)
- Kajo K, Zubor P, Machalekova K, Plank L, Visnovsky J. Tumor-like manifestation of endosalpingiosis in uterus: a case report. Pathology Research and Practice 2005;201(7):527-530. (IF=1.049)