Jesseniova lekárska fakulta
v Martine
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

General medicine - International students

Instructions for teaching the subject Histology and Embryology I.

Basic Information:

Lectures will be held according to the valid timetable in a lecture hall B (Novomeskeho street).

The student must pass 4 tests during the semester.  Each test will consist of 15 questions.

Compulsory 93% active participation in practical exercises.

-    Forms of examination during the semester:

-        examination of slides - description of the histological structure of individual organs within the intentions of functional histology (if the student repeatedly cannot determine the histomorphology of basic human tissues, he / she will be asked to retake the practical exercise in the credit week),

-        student is required to pass 4 written tests:

Test form:

-        the student can obtain 15 points for each semester test, a total of 60 points (100%) per semester. The extent of the subject matter for the test will be specified by the teachers. The tests consist of a combination of questions from thematic units discussed in practical exercises as well as lectures, including basic embryology:

-        multiple choise questions with only 1 correct answer,

-        open questions,

-        description of the histological picture (diagram, microphotography,...).

-        For each test, the student must obtain at least 70 % (minimum 10.5 points for 1 test, minimum 42 points for 4 tests).

-        Student has 3 tries to pass the written semestral test: 1 regular term, which is mandatory + 2 retake terms, which are obligatory (specific date after agreement with the teacher). If the student fails, he / she must have a re-take with the same criteria. The student is obliged to pass the re-take at the latest during the credit week (week 14). Successfully completed or corrected semester control tests are a condition for student to be allowed to enter final credit test.

-        Practical part (credit test) - the student must correctly identify and describe all tissues on 2 slides of human organs, as well as correctly determine the organ from those systems that were discussed during in practical exercises of the given semester (see attached list of preparations). 



-       At the beginning of each lecture, the student confirms his attendance in the lecture by signing the list of attendance.

-       Student can receive bonus points for attending lectures according to the attached table.

-      At the end of semester, the student’s bonus points will be added to the total number of points from the 4 written semestral tests, which can positively influence their final evaluation by up to 6 percentage points.

Number of lectures attended                        Bonus points for semestral tests

        13 - 10 lectures                                                         + 4 points

         9 -  7   lectures                                                         + 2 points





95 -100%


89 -94%


83 -88%


77 -82%


70 -76%


0 -69%

-        If the student does not fulfill the conditions for obtaining the credit test (compensation for absence of practical exercises and 70% of each test), he / she will not be admitted to the practical examination at the end of the semester. In this case, the only condition for a student´s admission to the final slide test is a succesfully completed board exam in one out of two pre-determined dates. 

Final evaluation of subject Histology and Embryology 1:

The final grade includes the average from:
a) average grade from all 4 semestral tests
b) slide No. 1
c) slide No. 2

The final evaluation in the summer semester is decided by the teacher taking into account the average results of all semestral tests and quality of slide assessment in terms of the functional histology, while the evaluation also takes into account the activity of the student during practical exercises throughout the whole semester.

Student obligations:

-        Practical exercise begins at 8 a.m. In the case of a late arrival, the student will be asked to replace the practical exercise in the credit week (or another day in the same week when the topic is covered - depending on the capacity of the practical room).

-        Entry to the practical room is allowed in slippers and medical coat.

-        Students are prohibited from using headphones during their lessons (lectures and practical exercises), men are not allowed to wear their headgear (unless their religion requires so).

-        The student is obliged to come to the practical exercise adequately prepared (theoretical preparation for the currently discussed topic). Otherwise, he / she will be asked to replace the practical exercise in the credit week.

-        It is forbidden to use mobile devices and other electronic devices during tests, credit tests and practical and theoretical part of the final exam. In the case of breaking this rule, the teacher is entitled to exclude the student from the test, credit and final exam with the evaluation Fx.

Substitution of practical exercise:

-        In the absence of practical exercises, the student is obliged to compensate for this absence on any other day during the same thematic week with a different group.

-        If there are more students interested in substituting the practical exercise on the same day than can be accepted due to the limited number of microscopes in both classrooms, mutual agreement who will stay / go is the sole responsibility of the students. It is not possible to reserve a term in advance with the teacher to substitute the practical exercises.

-        Student may miss one practical exercise for serious reasons (e.g. illness ...). Student is obliged to compensate all other absences at the latest during the credit week.

-        Up to two practical exercises can be substituted on one day of the credit week

Continuous assessment

Continuous assessment of the subject will take place in practicals in the form of 4 written, credit tests.

The test will contain 15 questions such as:

    - identification of histological staining, basic types of tissue or structure/organ identification based on the histological picture, scheme, microphotograph

   - questions with 4 options, ALWAYS with one correct answer,

   - TRUE / FALSE questions.

To pass the test it is necessary to obtain 70%, 10,5 points out of 15. If the student does not reach the required number of points in the test, it is necessary to repeat the test. Options for re-take dates will be defined as needed and in agreement with specific students. Students have 3 tries to pass the test – 1 regular term + 2 retake terms. Regular term is obligatory, which means everyone must attend this term. If students don´t take the test on the regular term they lose one term and they get 0 points for this try. 


Continuous assessment of credit tests















Final assessment of subject Histology and Embryology I.















Dates and topics of credit tests

Test topics and test questions are covered in Introduction to Functional Histology (Adamkov, 2024).

Test 1 - 4th week (10.3. - 14.3.2025)
 Histological technique  (pp. 25-45)
 Cytology (pp. 46-77)
 Epithelial tissue I.  (pp. 79-87, 88-92)

Test 2 - 7th week (31.3. - 4.4.2025)
 Epithelial tissue II.  (pp. 87-88)
 Loose connective tissue  (pp. 93-103, 105-106)
 Dense connective tissue, cartilage (pp. 104-105, 107-111)

Test 3 - 10th week (28.4. - 2.5.2025)
 Bone, ossification, blood, bone marrow (pp. 112-119, 178-193)
 Muscle tissue  (pp. 121-134)
 Nervous tissue  (pp. 135-150)

Test 4 - 13th week (12.5. - 16.5.2025)
 Central nervous system  (pp. 357-381)
 Circulatory system (pp. 152-177)
 Lymphatic system (pp. 279-303)

Substitution of the practicals and retake of credit, semester tests will take place during the 13th and 14th teaching week from Monday to Friday. Based on the discussion with the teaching assistant, a specific date can be arranged.

Final evaluation of the subject Histology and Embryology II. - Academic Year 2024/2025


- Student can enroll for the final exam after meeting these criteria:

-  compulsory 93% active participation in practical exercises

-  succesfully pass continuous written semestral tests (4 tests in each semester)

-  succesfully pass credit slide test (2 slides in each semester)

- Each student will be assessed by 3 grades:

a) average of 4 continuous written semestral tests (at least 70% or 10.5 points from each test)

b) slide No. 1

c) slide No. 2


 Criteria for the final exam in pre-term

-  average of 4 continuous written semestral tests in each semester must be at least grade C, or 85%

-  during the credit slide test, each  slide (2 slides in each semester) will be graded A, B or C.


Department of Histology and Embrylogy of JMF CU provides the students with an on-line consultation of practical exercises topics via e-mail communication, via MS Teams or based on discussion with the teaching assistants.

Students can use the following contacts:

   08:00 - 09:30   Assoc. prof. RNDr. Mária Kovalská, PhD. -
                             - technical advisor and responsibility for "Histological quizzes" (MS Teams)

   09:30 - 11:00    Assoc. prof. MVDr. Soňa Bálentová, PhD. - 

   11:00 - 12:30   RNDr. Veronika Mešťanová, PhD. - 
                             - responsible for e-learning platform Moodle

   12:30 - 14:00   Ing. Veronika Cígerová,



The Elements of Embryology

The first lecture is planned on 24.9.2024 in Lecture Hall of Departments of Basic Sciences at 16:45.

  • 80% participation on the lectures (8 teaching weeks)
  • passing the written final test, the content of which is 20 assignments in the form of multiple choice questions with only 1 correct answer and true/false questions.

The optional, nonmandatory subject "The Elements of Embryology in academic year 2024/2025" will be held in Lecture Hall of Departments of Basic Sciences on Tuesday at 16:45 - 17:30.

During the dissection weeks (3rd - 4th week), the lectures are canceled.

Date of final exam: 17.12.2024 in Lecture Hall of Departments of Basic Sciences at 16:45.

Scale for the evaluation of the written final test:
A     20 - 19     
    18 - 17     
C     16      
D     15     
Fx   13 – 0

Lectures´ topics and recommended literature