Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Institute of Microbiology and Immunology

Academic year 2024/25 - Organisation of Study

IMMUNOLOGY and MICROBIOLOGY  I (General Microbiology) and MICROBIOLOGY II (Special Microbiology)

LECTURES: Educational center, Malá Hora 4B, Lecture hall (ground floor)


Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Educational center, Malá Hora 4B, 3rd floor.

Participation in practical exercises is mandatory.

Information on possible changes in the organization of teaching, credit tests and final exams will be provided to students continuously during the semester.

Requirements necessary to pass subjects in the Dpt. of Microbiology and Immunology of JFM CU in the academic period 2022/23 for students studying in the English language:



General medicine 




         Microbiology 1

- presence on practical ( one missed practical exercise is tolerated - no replacement is required)

 - 1 test during the semester(credit test)

Final Credit Test



- presence on practical practical (one missed practical exercise is tolerated - no replacement is required)

- 1 test during the semester

- 2 oral presentations according the schedule

 Final Exam

- preterm

- regular exam  period


       Microbiology 2

- presence on practical ( one missed practical exercise is tolerated - no replacement is required)

- 1 test during the semester

- 2 oral presentations according to the schedule

Final Exam

- preterm

- regular exam period


1) Microbiology 1: - participation in practical exercises - it is possible to miss only one practical exercise without substitution

2) Microbiology 1: test during semester (acc. to schedule) - 10 multiple choice questions

3) Microbiology 1: final credit test (week 14) - 20 multiple choice questions

4) Microbiology 1: The final grade is determined by counting points from the test during semester + the final credit test.

                               The maximum score is 30 points (10 points + 20 points).

5) Microbiology 1  SCALE for evaluation:

     30 - 28 ...... A

     27 – 25 ..... B

     24 – 22 ..... C

     21 – 20 ..... D

     19 – 18 ..... E

     17 or less...Fx

6) Immunology:  participation in practical exercises - it is possible to miss only one practical exercise without substitution

7) Immunology: 2 oral presentations/each student - during practicals - schedule (list of topics)

8) Immunology: test during semester - 15 multiple choice questions, one correct answer

9) Immunology: final exam - test - 45 multiple choice questions, one correct answer - (preterm or

                           normal exam period)

Students who want to take the immunology final exam in preterm (week 14) must meet the following requirements:

                         - participation in practical exercises - it is possible to miss only one practical exercise

                           without substitution

                         - 2 oral presentations



10) Microbiology 2:Test during semester (week 8) consists of

                                15 questions, multiple choice

 11) Microbiology 2 : Final Exam – written test, 45 questions, multiple choice, one correct answer                                                                                        

 Students who wish to attend the final exam in preterm must meet the following requirements:

- participation in practical exercises - it is possible to omit only one practical exercise without       


- prepare and present two presentations on a selected topic during the semester

The final grade is determined by counting the points for the test during semester and the final exam test.

The maximum score is 60 points (15points + 45 points).


60 - 55 ...... A

54 – 50 ..... B

49 – 45 ..... C

44 – 40 ..... D

39 – 36 ..... E

35 or less...Fx

 Microbiology II: If a student does not reach at least 36 points from both written tests,  he/she can take the retake at the earliest after a week, retake will be held orally in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. The oral exam (retake) consists of 4 questions. Each one is evaluated separately. No question could be graduated Fx for successfull exam.


doc. MUDr. Elena Nováková, PhD.

Head of Department of Microbiology and Immunology JFM CU in Martin




Comenius Univesity in Bratislava
Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Address: Mala Hora , 036 01 Martin
Phone No.:   +421 432633605



Preparation and publication of study materials for distance learning of the subject MICROBIOLOGY 2 are supported by KEGA projects:

032UK-4/2019 Model laboraroty for teaching of microbiology

038UK-4/2019 Creation of teaching materials for thepractical teaching of immunology forstudents studying in English language

Staphylococci -  week 2

Streptococci - week 3

Neisseria, Haemophilus - week 4

Bordetella, Corynebacterium - week 5

Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Listeria - week 6

Enterobacteriaceae, Campylobacter, Helicobacter - week 7

Anaerobic bacteria, Syphilis - week 8

Mycobacteria - week 9

Virology - week 10

Parasitology - week11

Mycology - week 12