Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava


           We welcome you to the Official Website of Comenius University, The Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin (JFMED CU).  

           The basic mission of JFMED CU is to provide, develop and spread education among those who long for it and to educate graduates in accordance with up-to-date knowledge in science in the following accredited university study programs –  doctor study program of General Medicine in Slovak and English language, doctor study program of Dentistry, bachelor study program of Nursing, bachelor and master study program Midwifery and Public Health, the standard of which is compatible with education in European Union countries in accordance with criteria required for regulated professions.           

            Graduates of university study according to doctor study programs in the field of General Medicine are awarded the academic degree „Doctor of General Medicine“ (abbr. “MUDr.”) and in the field of Dentistry academic degree „Doctor of Dentistry“ (abbr. “MDDr.”). Graduates of non-medical study programs are awarded the academic degree “Bachelor” (abbr. “Bc.”)  and “Master” (abbr. “Mgr.”).

The Faculty provides postgraduate full-time and part-time PhD. study  in accredited  fields of study.  After the defence of dissertation,  graduates of PhD. study are awarded the academic degree “philosophiae doctor” (abbr. “PhD.”).

Within  further education of medical staff, the Faculty provides study in accredited specialized study programs, certificate programs and continuing education programs.

The Jessenius Faculty of Medicine has  successfully got the projects which are financed from structural funds of EU.  These projects are aimed at creating excellent workplaces of research and development, applied research, modernization of infrastructure, information and communication technologies, and education.

            The Jessenius Faculty of Medicine ranks among the best faculties of Comenius University but also among prominent institutions of graduate medical education all over the world. Besides educational, scientific and  research activities, a therapeutic and preventive care also belongs to the Faculty priority.  It has  theoretical, pre-clinical and clinical workplaces but most of the clinical teaching bases are in Martin University Hospita


prof. Andrea Calkovska, M.D., DSc.

dean of JFMED CU in Martin



Medicine in Martin - Study for Life

Short video about the study at the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin.