Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Department of Public Health

Public Health is a science and art to prevent diseases, prolong life and strengthen health through organized effort of a society. It employs various strategies based on scientific evidence. Public Health in the same time presents organization and managing system to meet the above mentioned goals. Interdisciplinary approach is necessary, integrating beside health sciences or medicine also other disciplines such as ecology, climatology, psychology, sociology, economy, politics etc. Current public health priorities include health promotion, organization of effective health services, prevention of communicable diseases, control of life-style risk factors and substance use, prevention of chronic diseases and injuries, health inequality, problems related to a population ageing and others.

Goal of our web pages is to inform you about us, our activities and projects where we participate.

We pay a special attention to our students. They can find here information on teaching and other related issues.

I believe that the webpages will be contributive to their visitors. Therefore, I welcome any suggestion to make them better.

Prof.  Henrieta Hudečková, M.D. PhD., MPH, head of the Department of Public Health JFM CU