Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Science and research

Focus of activity

Diabetology, metabological disturbances and nutritional disturbances are at the centre of research activity in the I. internal medicine clinic. The research is aimed on this specific topics:

-          Hypoglycaemia, cerebral microvascular damage and cognitive impairment in diabetes.

-          Diagnostics of the hypoglycaemia unawareness syndrome.

-          Metabolic syndrome, adipocytokines and obesity paradox.

-          Diagnostic methods of early and late endothelopathy and thrombocytopathy, coagulopathy and fibrinolysis in patients suffering from metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus.

-          Metabolic syndrome in patients suffering from pulmonary embolism.

-          Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome.

-          Bone metabolism disturbances in obese patients, diabetics and patients with metabolic syndrome, together with intervention treatment with active D - vitamin.

-          Testing of mineral – bone disorders markers in diabetic nephropathy.

-          Diagnostics of autoimmune diabetes mellitus type I with new genetical and immunological markers.

-          Selective coronarography and intervention treatment of acute coronary syndromes, antithrombotic treatment resistance.

Special medical instrumentation:

-          Instrumentation for insulinaemic clamp methods and for continual glycaemia monitoring

-          Metabolic ICU equipped with  indirect calorimeter.

-          Ambulance for calcium disorder diagnostics and treatment.

-          Bone densitometry.

Unique methods:

-          Diagnostics of hypoglycaemic contraregulatory hormone activity with the use of clamp methods.

-          Insulin resistance diagnostics with the use of molecular markers and with the use of euglycaemic clamp.

-          Molecular characterisation of metabolic syndrome

-          Testing of adipocytokine regulation with ELISA assays.

-          Diagnostics of endothelial dysfunction, thrombocytopathy, haemostasis and fibrinolysis dearrangements in metabolic syndrome with the use of molecular markers.

-          Diagnostics of autoimmune diabetes mellitus with the use of special immunological markers.

-           Diagnostics of calcium metabolism derangement in diabetic nephropathy.

-          Diagnostics, therapy and research in the field of inflammatory intestinal disorders (Crohn disease, ulcerous collitis).

Most remarkable results:

-          Diagnostics of hypoglycaemia unawareness syndrome with the use of clamp methods.

-          Diagnostics of insulin resistance with clamp methods and with molecular markers.

-          Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome in Slovakia.

-          Diagnostics of autoimmune diabetes mellitus of LADA type and its prevalence in Slovakia.

-          Indication criteria for early insulin treatment in diabetes mellitus.

-          Diagnostic of both early and late endothelopathy, thrombocytopathy, coagulopathy and fibrinolysis derangements in metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus patients.

-          Diagnostics of plasma vWF and suluble thrombomodulin in differentiating between endothelial activation and endothelial damage.

-          Diagnostics of local intestinal immunity with the use of CD markers originating from biopsy samples taken from patients with inflammatory intestinal disorders.  

-          Diagnostic quantification of the size inflammatory process with the use of radioactively labelled leucocytes (HMPAO – leucocytes).

Important scientific and academidc engagement

prof. Marián Mokáň, M.D., DrSc. FRCP  Edin:

-          member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

-          member of the Committee GAT 03 for Health Affairs, Sciences Grants Agency

-          member of the Slovak Medical Society

-          president  of the executive board of the Slovak Diabetes Society (2002-2010)

-          member  of the executive board of the Slovak Internal Medicine Society

-          member of the opponent board at the Slovak Academy of Sciences

-          member of the editorial board of the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

-          editor-in-chief of the journal “Diabetes a obezita (Diabetes and Obesity)”

-          editor-in-chief of the journal “Forum Diabetologicum”

-          correspondent and consultant of the journal “Diabetik (Diabetic)”

-          member of the editorial board of the journal “Všeobecná angiológia (General angiology”)

-          member of the editorial board of the journal “Vnitřní lékařství (Internal Medicine)”

-          member of the editorial board of the journal “Súčasná Clinical prax (Current clinical praxis)”

-          member of the editorial board of the journal “Kazuistiky v diabetológii (Case reports in diabetology)”

-          member of the Accreditation Committee of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic – chairman of the workgroup for medical and pharmaceutical sciences (2003 - 2007)

-          member of the Accreditation Committee  of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic – chairman of the workgroup for the category medical doctor – internal fields (2003-2012)

-          member of the Scientific Board of the Jessenius Medical Faculty of the Commenius University in Martin

-          referee of study programmes General medicine and Internal medicine

-          head teacher of the subject “Internal medicine” at the Jessenius Medical Faculty of the Commenius University in Martin

-          member of the scientific committee of the Academic Senate of the Jessenius Medical Faculty of the Commenius University

-          member of the Academic Senate of the Jessenius Medical Faculty of the Commenius University

-          member of the advice board of the director of Martin Faculty Hospital

-          member of the expert committee of Martin Faculty Hospital

-          member of the internal medicine postgraduate study committee

-          member of the habilitation committee for the internal medicine

-          district expert in the field of internal medicine

-          county expert in diabetology and metabolic disorders

-          referee of the specialization study in Diabetology, Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders of the Jessenius Faculty of  Medicine

-          member of the acceptance committee for postgraduate studies in the field of internal medicine

-          member of the committee for professorships

-          member of the committee for Doctor Scientiorum academic titles in the field of internal medicine

Prof. Peter Galajda, M.D., PhD.

-          vicedean for PhD study and specialisation study in medicine (2011 – until now);

-          vicedean for education (2000 – 2007);

-          guarantee of PhD study in clinical pharmacology, tutor and reviewer of PhD study in internal medicine

-          guarantee of specialisation study in Internal Medicine, lecturer for specialisation in Diabetology

-          member of National Committee of Slovak Diabetology Association;

-          member of Danubian League against Thrombosis and Haemorrhagic Diseases, European Thrombosis Research Organisation, European Federation of Internal Medicine, European Association for Diabetes Study

-          member of working group of Accreditation Commission of Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic for Internal Medicine;

-          member of working group of Accreditation Commission of Government of Slovak Republic for education in biomedical health sciences (2003 – 2012)

-          member of the editorial board of the journals Forum Diabetologicum, Diabetes a obezita, Ateroskleróza

-          research stay on Haemostasis Thrombosis Vascular Biology Unit, University of Birmingham, UK (1998);

-          participation as faculty representative in projects of ORPHEUS; TUNING, TEMPUS and IQUATFOC

Assoc. Prof. Milan Ochodnický, M.D. , PhD.:

member of committee Slovak Society for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Diseases