Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava


The most important dates in history of the 1. internal clinic

1888: In 1888 County hospital was created in the former Turčianský St. Martin (completion of construction of the hospital was on the 12.9.1888, final inspection of the building was on the 11.2.1889, adoption of the first patients was at the beginning of April 1889) - at that time most of hospitalized patients were patients with internal diseases, especially lung and bowel diseases.

1921: In 1921 was created separate internal department in the hospital (today´s pavilion No. 1). Jaroslav Kofránek MD. become the first head of the department.

1928: In 1928 public provincial Hospital in Martin, as a third big Hospital in the Slovakia was formed. Internal department was it´s main part.

1932: In 1932 completion of new  infection department (pavilion No.5), of which internal department was part of. Both departments were led by the same head of departments – Ján Trokan MD,  until 1953 ( in 1931-1965 he was head on internal department). There was laboratory established on the internal department, second of it´s kind in the Slovakia.

1935: Between  1935-1936 construction of pavilion No 7took a place, were was previously  dermato-venerological department (since 1961 recent rezidence of the 1st internal department).

1950: During the years 1950-1953 were separate departments formed, dpt. of tuberculosis (1950), dpt. of occupational medicine (1951) and dpt. of infectious diseases (1953).

1958: Allergologic advisory service ambulance was established  as a part of internal medicine ward in Martin. It was the second ambulance of such type in Slovakia.

1961: Internal medicine ward has been moved to the current location, to the pavilion No. 7.

1962: On 29th of october 1962, the detached department of Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava, aimed on clinical subjects teaching, has been established in Martin. The teaching process started in academic year 1962/1963. Internal medicine ward was a part of this department and the subject of internal medicine was teached under the patronage of Prof. MUDr. Teofil Niederland, DrSc., head of Internal medicine clinic III In Bratislava. 

1964: On the detached department of Faculty of Medicine, department of internal disciplines, led by Doc. MUDr. Vladimír Galanda, CSc., was established in Martin. This department consisted of internal medicine ward, pediatric ward, neurologic ward, infectious diseases ward and dermatological ward. The first haemodialysis in non-army hospital, has been performed on internal medicine ward in Martin. The first endocrinological laboratory was established there and the first gastroenterological examinations with rigid endoscope has been performed there.

1965: Department of internal medicine made independence. The first head of the new department was Doc. MUDr. Eugen Špaňár, CSc. In the new internal medicine ward, the first heart cathetrisation (in cooperation with cardiologists from pediatric ward) and the first diagnostic laparoscopy and hepatic punction has been performed.

1966: On 27th may 1966, a detached chapter of Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava has been established in Martin. In the academic year 1966/1967, it was the first time, students have been accepted for the first year of medicine study program in Martin.

1967: On the 1st october 1967, faculty hospital in Martin was established. It was recognized as the 3rd type of hospital within our health service, therefore wards has ben transformed into clinics. As a part of this process, the I. Internal clinic in Martin has been established. The head of the new clinic was Doc. MUDr. Eugen Špaňár, CSc. Besides the internal medicine ambulance, endocrinological ordinate, gastroenterological ordinate, rheumatological ordinate and allergological ordinate was a part of the I. Internal medicine clinic.

1969: Doc. MUDr. Eugen Špaňár, CSc., was 1.1.1969 officially warranted of leadership on the internal medicine institute, containing not only the internal clinic, but also the clinic for diseases of lungs and tuberculosis. There was implanted first permanent pacemaker in co-operation with surgical clinic. On the workplace a new haematology ordinate was established and first gastrofibroscopy were bought.  

1970: There was established a new diabetology ordinate on the workplace.

1971: Faculty hospital was transformed to Faculty hospital with policlinic (FNsP) in Martin, the name of workplace was changed to Internal clinic FNsP in Martin.

1972: A fibrinolytic treatment with streptokinase in patients suffered from myocardial infarction was started on the workplace and there was opened a gamagraphic examination trough the use of 131 Cs in co-operation with nuclear medicine department as one of the first workplaces in past Czechoslovakia.

1973: There was established a coronary unit with monitoring system in the area of wooden  „Swedish“ house. Acute cardiostimulating treatment was started in the area of coronary unit.

1974: There was established a dialysis centre in the area of wooden  „Swedish“ house and a chronic haemodialysis program was opened.

1976: The was done first percutaneous kidney biopsy on the workplace.

1977: After the generation of independent II. internal clinic there was established I. internal clinic FNsP in Martin.

1978: In the period 1.12.1978 – 17.6. 1979 Doc. MUDr. Ondrej Lehoťan, CSc. was the head of clinic. There was established a new ordinate of cardiology and permanent cardiostimulation on the workplace.

1980: In the period 1.10.1980 – 25.11. 1985 Prof. MUDr. František Hendrich, CSc. was the head of clinic. Peritoneal dialysis was started on the workplace.

1982: Coronary unit was built in a new area on the ground floor of 7. pavilion with first patient´s admission 23.12.1982.

1983: A new haemodialysis department was built on the ground floor of 7. pavilion.

1985: There was established a metabolic unit in the provisory conditions of the workplace. 

1986: Routine gastroenterologic examinations were expand about the new possibilities  due to the buying of an electrosurgical unit for polypectomy and a gastrofibroscopic instrument with lateral optics allowing diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy management.

1987: In the period 1987 – 1995 Doc. MUDr. Josef Květenský, CSc. was the head of clinic.

1988: There was established a tradition of monothematic focused „Day of Martin internists“ in Martin, that once a year has been organised. First  of them was organised 26.10.1988 in occasion of 100. Anniversary of the hospital.

1990: Build-up of a new part of I. internal clinic allowed focalizing of all policlinics to one policlinic part and thanks to this obtaining new areas for staff, administration and teaching students.

1991: New policlinics were established: cardiologic policlinic II focused on secondary prevention and dispensarisation  of patients suffered from cardiovascular diseases, policlinic of functional diagnostic and angiologic policlinic. There was opened A Cardioclub of The Invalid union in the workplace.

1991: 16.5.1991 after the resolution of Academic Senate the faculty was renamed to Jessenius medical faculty of the Commenius University in Martin (JLF UK) and its structure was reorganized by abolishment of the institutes (1.8.1991). The name of workplace was changed to I. internal clinic JLF UK in Martin.

1992: 1.1.1992 the faculty hospital was formally renamed to Faculty hospital of Martin (MFN) on the base of marshalling document of Ministry of Health SVK from the date of 20.12.1991.

1992: The workplace took the lead of Young internists days, that have been estabilished by Prof. MUDr. Mikuláš Takáč Košice, as a possibility of presentation and award for the best works of  Czechoslovak young internists to 35 years of age. First Young internists days in Martin were realized in days 10. – 11.9. 1992.

1995: Prof. MUDr. Marián Mokáň, Dr.Sc., FRCP Edin became the head of clinic and he still functions there. There were done significant changes in organisation and conception of I. internal clinic with its splitting into three independent parts: cardiologic part with coronary unit, general and nephrologic part with  haemodialysis department and general and metabolic unit, with individual head physicians under the leadership of the head of clinic.

1996: After partial reconstruction of the coronary unit area there was opened an independent invasive cardiology department in 1996.

1998: There was established a centre for setting-up the insulin pumps with nationwide coverage.

2002 – 2006: There was done a complex reconstruction of the workplace: renovation of haemodialysis with built-up of a new water conversion (2002), opening of two superior standard rooms with individual bathrooms on the general part of clinic (2002), complex reconstruction of nephrologic department 7/1B with superior standard rooms (2004)and reconstruction of metabolic unit (2005 - 2006).

2006 – 2007: There was done a complex reconstruction of coronary unit with a new monitoring system and positioning beds (2006) and a complex reconstruction of the x-ray area with a new angiographic instrument. There was opened a new department of invasive and interventional cardiology in I. internal clinic (2007).

2007 – 2009: There was done partial reconstruction of general department 7/2 (2007 – 2008), complex reconstruction of haemodialysis department (2008 – 2009) and rebuilding of independent x-ray and pacemaker centre in the area of Grossman house (2008).

2010: On 1. july 2010, faculty hospital In Martin has been transformed into University hospital in Martin (UNM).