Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava


International projects:

- National diabetology program – in cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences and University Leipzig. This is an international cooperation held under the label „SUSOD (Sorbs - Uncover the Secrets Of Disease)“  Project name: „Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Slovak Republic – genetic screening of the population“ Duration of the study: 2007 – still in progress. (Principal coordinator in Slovakia: Prof.  M. Mokáň, MD, D.Sc., FRCP Edin, co-investigator: Prof.  P. Galajda, MD, PhD)

- Bilateral cooperation with Department of Diabetes, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland: Hypoglycaemia and driving in people with insulin treated diabetes. Duration of the project: 2007 – still in progress. (Investigators: Prof. Brian M. Frier, Prof. M. Mokáň, MD, D.Sc., FRCP Edin)

APVV research grants

APVV-0222-11 Possibilities of prediction of re-stenosis and thrombosis of stent in patients with acute coronary syndrome after percutaneous coronary intervention.  (2012 – 2015) (Principal investigator: Prof.. P. Kubisz, MD, D.Sc. Clinic of Hematology and Transfusiology. Co-investigators in the I. internal medicine clinic:  Prof.  M. Mokáň, D.Sc., FRCP Edin, Prof. P. Galajda, MD, PhD.., M. Samoš. MD)

VEGA research grants

„A“ category VEGA grant: 1/0228/13  „Identification of novel obesity paradox markers in patients with coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure“ (2013 – 2015), (Principal investigator: Prof. M. Mokáň, MD, D.Sc., FRCP Edin; Co-investigators: Prof. P. Galajda, MD, PhD;  S. Stančík, MD, PhD; M.  Samoš. MD;  S. Daruľová, MD)

„B“ category VEGA grant: 1/0053/11  Metabolic – imunological aspects of cardiac cachexia. (2011 – 2013) (Principal investigator: Prof.  P. Galajda, MD, PhD)

VEGA grant: 1/0005/08 „Metabolic syndrome, adipocytokines and the risk of vascular disorder“ (2008-2011) (Principal investigator: Prof. P. Galajda, MD, PhD.; Co-investigators: Prof.. M. Mokáň, D.Sc., FRCP Edin; Assoc. Prof. J. Sadloňová, MD, PhD:;  Ľ. Šutarík, MD, PhD.; L. Jamrišková, MD, PhD.;. D. Kantárová, MD, PhD.; M. Kutlák MD; . E. Kantorová MD).

VEGA grant: 1/4284/07 „ Association of HLA II alels with type 1A diabetes mellitus in Slovak population. (Principal investigator: Prof. M. Mokáň, MD, D.Sc., FRCP Edin; Co-investigators: Assoc. Prof. J. Sadloňová, MD, PhD;  Prof. P. Galajda, MD, PhD.; D. Kantárová, MD, PhD.; M. Kutlák MD,   M. Migra, MD,  RNDr.  Stuchliková;).

VEGA grant: 1/1189/04  Metabolic syndrome, subclinical inflammatory reaction and the risk of cardiovascular complications Co-financed by Slovakian Diabetes Society / (2004 – 2007) (Principal investigator Prof.. P. Galajda, MD, PhD)

VEGA grant 1/8149//01: Heterogenity of metabolic syndrome and haemostatic disorders (2001 – 2003) (Principal investigator: Assoc. prof. . P. Galajda, MD, PhD.)

VEGA grant 1/8155/01: The role of nitric oxide in hyperreactivity of respiratory airways (2001 – 2003) (Co-investigator:  Assoc. prof.. J. Sadloňová, MD, PhD)

Scientific grants donated by medical societies/chambers in Slovak Republic:

Slovak Society of Cardiology – The evaluation of thromboelastometry in the monitoring of antiplatelet therapy efficacy in patients with acute STEMI: (2013) (Principal investigator: M. Samoš, MD)

Project of National diabetes program of Slovak Ministry of Health (2003 – 2008): Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Slovakia. Cooperation with the Institute of Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences – the gene bank DIABGENE (Prof. M. Mokáň, M.D. D.Sc., Prof. P. Galajda, MD, PhD:,  D. Prídavková, MD, PhD., Ľ. Šutarík, MD, PhD.)

Research grants of Comenius University:

GUK/122/2013 Role of adiponectin in the development of pulmonary embolism in patients with metabolic syndrome Investigator: S. Daruľová, M.D.

GUK/54/2012: Usefulness of thrmoboelastometry in monitoring the antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute STEMI.  Investigator: M. Samoš, M.D.

GUK/178/2012: Acute thromboembolic disease in current medicine – risk stratification and etiology of acute thromboembolic disease in patients with metabolic syndrome. Role of thrombolytic therapy in the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism in current clinical practice.  Investigator:  S. Daruľová, M.D.

GUK/289/2011 – Evaluation of the prognostic impact of serum adiponectin and leptin levels on the severity of ischemic heart disease and heart failure in patients with the obesity paradox.  Investigator: M. Stančík, M.D. Ph.D.

GUK/47/2009: The polymorphism of insulin gene in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Investigators: D. Kantárová, M.D. Ph.D., M. Kutlák, M.D. Ph.D.

ESF projects

ESF – ITMS: 26220220111 Center of excellence for the research in indivudualised therapy (CEVYPET).: co – investigator for Dept. of Internal Medicine I: Prof. M. Mokáň, M.D. D.Sc. FRCP Edin.

ESF – System of complex quality evaluation of education and research process at JFM CU in Martin. (project co – investigator: Prof. P. Galajda, M.D. Ph.D.)

ESF – The support of human resources using the most modern methods and forms of education at JFM CU in Martin. (co – investigator: Prof. P. Galajda, M.D. Ph.D.)

ESF ITMS: 26220220111 Carcinocenic and toxic metals in the living and working environment (2010 – 2013). Assoc. Prof. J. Sadloňová, M.D. PhD. – co – investigator.

ESF – Virtual and simulation education as a new form of education at  JFM CU in Martin. Prof. P. Galajda, M.D., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. J. Sadloňová, M.D., Ph.D.

ESF - The support of innovative forms of education for students studying in English language. Co – investigator: Assoc. Prof. J. Sadloňová, M.D., Ph.D.