Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Disciplinary Committee

Rights and composition of the Disciplinary Committee of JFMED CU:

  • pursuant to Section  24 of the Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education is the academic self-government body of the Faculty
  • discusses disciplinary offenses of students enrolled in the study programs provided  at the Faculty and submits a proposal for the Dean's decision.


prof.  Mgr. Juraj Mokrý, M.D.,PhD.


Assoc. Mgr. Martina Bašková, PhD.

prof.  Ľubomír Straka, M.D., PhD.

Katarína Kučeríková

Michaela Mazúchová

Lukáš Kochol

Status and activities of the Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty, the  procedure of discussing disciplinary offenses of students and imposition of  disciplinary measures  is set by the Disciplinary Rules of  JFMED CU  for students.

Activity of the Disciplinary Committee  for students is governed by the Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee of JFMED for students.