Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is a representative,  self-governing body of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as „Academic Senate“).  The Academic Senate has 30 members and  consists of the employees chamber which has 20 members and  students chamber which has 10 members. Office of a member of the Academic Senate is inconsistent with the offices of the dean, vice-deans and registrar of the faculty. Term of office of a member in employe part of the academic senate is 4 years and in student part it is 2 two years. Activities of the Academic Senate are governed by the chairmanship which  has 6 members (Chair of the Senate, Chair of the Employees Chamber, 2 more members of the Employees Chamber, plus one more member of the Employees Chamber, Chair of  the Students Chamber, and one more member of the Students Chamber). Meetings take place at least 4 times per academic year. Meetings are usually public.

The Academic Senate:

  • with the Dean´s proposal it approves internal regulations of the Faculty,
  • elects a candidate for the post of the Dean, possibly it gives proposals to recall him/her and it approves the Rector´s proposal to recall the Dean,
  • gives  approval to the Dean´s proposal for appointment and recall of members of the Scientific Board of the Faculty,
  • approves proposal of the Faculty´s budget and controls how  the  Faculty handles its finances
  • discuss the Deans proposal for a number and structure of workplaces and function positions
  • approves long-term intentions of the Faculty in the field of educational and scientific activities,
  • approves annual report on Faculty´s activity and management,
  • discusses proposals for study programs before their approval by the Scientific Board,
  • approves further requirements for admission to the study programs carried out by  the Faculty,
  • discusses the Dean´s proposal for establishment, incorporation, integration, division and cancellation of the Faculty´s facilities,
  • elects representative of the Faculty to the Board of Universities,
  • once a year submits a report on its activities,
  • discusses the Rector´s proposals for activities concerning transfer of the property or preemetive right to the property which serves to fulfil the Faculty´s mission.