Scientific Board
The Scientific Board of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin is the academic self-governing body of the Faculty.
The Scientific Board of the Faculty:
- discusses long-term intentions of the Faculty worked-out in accordance with the long-term intentions of CU,
- at least once a year evaluates standards of the Faculty in the field of education and research – scientific activities,
- approves proposals for study programmes that are to be carried out by the Faculty,
- approves other specialists that have the right to examine at state examinations for study programmes carried out at the Faculty, it approves supervisors for PhD. study,
- discusses and submits to the Scientific Board of CU criteria for habilitation of associate professors and criteria for appointment of professors,
- discusses proposals for habilitations of associate professors and decides on their results,
- discusses and submits to the Scientific Board of CU proposals for appointment of professors,
- discusses and submits to the Scientific Board of CU general criteria for staffing the Faculty by professors and associate professors,
- discusses and submits to the Scientific Board of CU specific conditions of selective procedure for staffing the Faculty by professors,
- discusses and submits to the Scientific Board of CU the Dean´s proposals to staff the Faculty by visiting professors,
- with the proposal of the Chair of the Scientific Board of CU it approves the rule of procedure of the Scientific Board of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine,
- discusses questions submitted by the Chair of the Scientific Board of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine.
Upon approval of the Academic Senate, the Dean appoints and recalls members of the Scientific Board. Elective period of the members is 4 years.
Members of the Scientific Board are outstanding experts in the fields in which the Faculty carries out its teaching, research, therapeutic-preventive or other activities. When appointing members of the Scientific Board, the Dean takes into consideration adequate representation of broad groups of study programs and aims of particular workplaces of the Faculty.
Not less than one quarter not more than one third of members of the Scientific Board of the Faculty are not concurrently the members of the academic community of Comenius University.
The Dean is the Chair of the Scientific Board. The Vice-Deans of the Faculty and the Director of Martin University Hospital are ex-officio members of the Scientific Board.
Members of the Scientific Board of JFMED CU