Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava


Clinic of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases was established on November the first 1967, as a part of the detached office of Commenius University in Bratislava.

This period was also the time when was started teaching of medical school students.

Prof. MD. Ondrej Halak, PhD., was the first head of the Clinic. He was also the leader of Slovak and Czech pneumphthisiology and he has dramatically contributed to the profiling of the Clinic. He has greatly contributed to the professional development of doctors not only at the Clinic, but also across the former Czecho-Slovakia. In the years 1976-1980 he espoused the most important post - Dean of Faculty of Medicine in Martin. He held the position of the head of Clinic until his retirement.  In 1986 became associate professor MD. Elena Chalupová, PhD new head of Clinic and in 1989 was  appointed prof. MD. Eva Rozborilová, PhD. for this function. She carries out this post today.

The first assistants at the Clinic were associate professor Elena Chalupová, PhD. and associate profesor  MD. Ján Štubňa, PhD.

Since 1982, after the death of longtime head physician MD Eduard Šimera, MD Peter Strapko, PhD. became a head physician. He espoused his post until 2012. From 1.1.2013 the head physician of the Clinic is MD Ivan Kocan.

In 1974 was completed  reconstruction and renovation of 5 th pavilion, because the spatial equipment was not already enough. With improved spatial conditions and through enthusiastic, self-sacrificing work of the working team there was succes in order to provide specialized medical care and achieve irrecoverable position in pneumology over the region.