Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Prof. MUDr. Mária Szilágyiová, CSc.

Prof. Mária Szilágyiová, M.D., CSc. Is the head of the Clinic of infectology and travel medicine of the Jessenius faculty of medicine CU and Martin university hospital in Martin. She finishe the secondary aducation in Kremnica in the 1962. She graduated at the Medical Faculty  of the CU in Bratislava in the 1968. She graduated for the 1st degree of specialisation in the Internal Medicine in 1972, and in the specialisation in the branch of transmissible diseases in the 1975. She defended scientifical degree  of the candidate for sciences in the 1983,  5 years later the scientifical pedagogical degree Associated Professor for Internal Medicine and she was named Professor for Internal Medicine in the 2003.

In her branch of science she is dealing mostly with parasitic and imported infections. The majority of her lectures and publications are from these topic, two of them were honoured as the best publications of the SLS (Slovak Medical Associaltion) in the yeasrs 1981 and 1996 and one received the 1st position in the trial for the best case report in the Journal of Internal Medicine (2005). Sh is the author and coauthor of 2 textbooks, one monography and 2 specialised book works.

In the field of pregradual pedagogical activities she is lecturer, examinator in infectology, she is the member of the state committee for the Internal Medicine, she is tutor and evaluator of diploma thesis for students in JFMED CU. Her postgradual pedagogical activity is based on education of internal and external postgradual students, she is tutor for pre-specialisation education of infectious diseases, internal medicine, pediatric and general medicine doctors. She is the main responsible for the study program Infectology and is the researcher and coresearcher of several scientifical-research projects.

In the field of therapy and prevention she is apart her duties as the head of the clinic also the main expert of MoH SR for infectology and tropical medicine in the Žilina department. She is member of several expert associations, she was honoured with the bronze and silver medal Propter meritum of JFMED CU in Martin, and bronze and silver medal of the SLS.