Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Doc. MUDr. Katarína Šimeková, PhD.

Assoc. Prof. Katarína Šimeková, M.D., PhD. Is working at the Clinic of infectology and travel medicine in JFMED CU and Martin Univesity hospital in Martin as the specialised lecturer. She finishe her secondary education in Vrútky in the 1989. She graduated at the JFMED CU in Martin in the 1995. She graduated for the 1st degree of specialisation in the Internal Medicine in 1999, and in the specialisation in the branch of transmissible diseases in the 2002. She defended scientifical degree  PhD in the 2003. In the years 2003-2005 she worke abroad in the  IIIrd Clinics of infectious and tropical diseases CU Praha and FH Bulovka as specialised lecturer.

In her pregradual pedagogical activities she is the tutor of practical education and lecturer for slovak and foreign students of general medicine in the JFMED CU in Martin. She is the tutor and evaluator for diploma theses for students, she is involved in practical and theoretical examinations in Infectology. She is the vice head for the pedagogical activities at the Clinic  In her postgradual pedagogical activitis she is the member of lectors for practical part of specialised study program in Infectology and the educator for postgraduated doctor study.

She is the researcher of several scientifical-research projects, she was the vice researcher of the project VEGA in the 2008-2010.

At the field of her specialisation she is active in the branch of travel medicine, prophylaxies of diseases for slovak inhabitants travelling abroad and in the firld of infection HIV/AIDS. She is the author and coauthor of several lectures and publications. She was received the Price for the best publication of the SIS. Her practical medical work is based on her activitie in the Outpatient department for foreign countries diseases and Outpatient department for  dispensarisation and therapy of HIV/AIDS the head of which she is.

She is member of several expert associations. She is one of organisators of scientifical meetings and conferences, where she activly presents results of her work.