Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava


New module for students` feedback - winter term of AY...22. 03. 2021

Let us inform you that from March 22, 2021 a new module for evaluation of teachers and subjects taught in winter term of academic year 2020/2021 by students...

CENSUS 202129. 03. 2021

Dear students, some of you may be aware that Census 2021 is currently taking place in Slovakia. As part of the process, all permanent and temporary residents...

Slovak government approved exemptions for in-person...15. 02. 2021

Jessenius Faculty of Medicine is carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation and is keeping the student community continually informed with up-to-date...

Information about the organization of teaching process in...27. 01. 2021

With regard to the preparations for summer semester of the AY 2020/2021 and current epidemiological situation, the Order of the Rector of Comenius University ...

MS Teams22. 09. 2020

Online learning through Microsoft Teams

Useful simulators for distance learning11. 11. 2020

Virtual patients, sonographic modules or practical exercises. Here are some ways to improve distance learning.

Study program and Study Regulations24. 06. 2020

For the AY 2020/2021

Second cycle of the Erasmus + application process11. 09. 2020

We are pleased to announce the 2nd cycle of the Erasmus + application process for the summer semester 2020/2021. The Mobility Online system for submitting...

INTERNAL REGULATIONS No. 13/202008. 09. 2020

Study Regulations of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin

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