Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

ENLIGHT Conference in Ghent Focused on Student Life

From March 1 to 3, 2024, the city of Ghent hosted the ENLIGHT Student Network conference, themed "Making Connections: Strengthening Student Life."

13. 03. 2024 14.42 hod.

This event brought together student representatives from various European universities, including a delegation of 10 students from Comenius University in Bratislava, among whom was Viktória Papcunová, Chairwoman of the Martin Medical Students Club and a member of the Comenius University Senate.

The conference served as a fertile ground for inspiration and exchange among students from the Enlight alliance universities. Discussions revolved around current challenges facing university students, engagement in extracurricular activities, motivation enhancement, and showcasing the benefits of active participation in student life. "It was an enriching experience, not only among us from Comenius University but also with international students from other European universities in the Enlight alliance. We discussed issues prevalent among university students, opportunities for involvement in extracurricular activities, how to boost their motivation, and demonstrate the advantages that such engagements can bring. I'm delighted to have participated in this conference and to have gained inspiration. I encourage all students to seize the myriad of opportunities available, such as Erasmus+, online courses, exchange programs, internships, etc. The Enlight alliance indeed offers interesting prospects for developing one’s talent, meeting new people, and broadening horizons, which we can certainly leverage in our future careers," Papcunová evaluated the conference.

The conference aimed to create a space for young people representing student organizations and senate members to share experiences, seek solutions to common problems, and gain new inspirations and ideas. It kicked off with an inspirational speech by Rik van de Walle, Dean of Ghent University, followed by a motivating lecture from Enlight's executive secretary, Gijs Coucke. Each university presented its student bodies, enabling students to enrich each other with new knowledge about university governance structures.