Science and Research
The clinic does not carry out its own scientific research activity, it participates in solving scientific projects with other workplaces. The staff participated as co-investigators of 16 scientific research projects (RV, ŠPZV, GAV, TEMPUS, KEGA, VEGA, APVT, OPVaV, OPV) and also in other workplaces, especially in the areas of monitoring the environmental impact on the respiratory system, systemic hypertension in childhood, impaired cardiovascular system function in childhood, changes in airway and skin reactivity in allergic diseases, dying and death issues.
Research grants in the last 10 years
Žiaková, K. a kol. (Meško, D.): Problematika smrti a umierania človeka. Teoretické východiská a praktické dôsledky. VEGA č.1/2484/05 (2005-2007) |
Žiaková, K. a kol. (Meško, D.) Ošetrovateľský slovník (výkladový). MŠ SR KEGA 3/5132/07. (2007-2009) |
Bánovčin, P. a kol. Dobudovanie Centra experimentálnej a klinickej respirológie (CEKR II) Operačný program Výskum a vývoj, (2010-2011), ITMS 26220120034 |
Staško, J. a kol. Podpora rozvoja ľudských zdrojov s využitím najmodernejších postupov a foriem vzdelávania na JLF UK. Operačný program Vzdelávanie, (2010-12), ITMS 26110230031 |
Osina, O. a kol. Karcinogénne a toxické kovy v životnom a pracovnom prostredí Operačný program Výskum a vývoj, (2010-2011), ITMS 26220220111 |
Vedecký park UK v Bratislave, Operačný program Výskum a vývoj, (2013-2015) |
INSYZAKUK – Interný systém zabezpečenia kvality UK v Bratislave, Operačný program Výskum a vývoj, (2012-2015) |
Sokol, J. a kol. Genetické pozadie a monitoring zmien hemostázy v manažmente von Willebrandovej choroby. VEGA č. 1/0187/17 (2017-2020) |
The most significant results:
1. contributing to the introduction of new investigative methods in physical education and pediatrics (computer assisted echocardiography)
2. participation in the introduction of new investigation methods in occupational medicine (monitoring of peripheral circulatory dynamics - in particular laser-Doppler flow rate spectrometry, spectral analysis of heart rate)
3. participation in the monitoring of the content and impact of metals in the adult population in groups of persons of various risk centers (in particular metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry and energetics)
4. contributing to the monitoring of the impact of occupational risks, with a particular focus on clinical status, immunotoxicity, genotoxicity, late effects of carcinogen exposure, and exposure in the workplace and smoking.