From historical point of view we could ascertain, that on the formation of today´s Institute participated some important persons, who with their belief, confidence and toughness proved to enforce good ideas and the other´s could continue with them. One of them was the professor František Hamza, M.D., the employee of Ministry of Health, who enforced, that from 19.12.1919 the established SPA RESORT was the own of the state administration and within the framework of Masaryk league against tuberculosis was created State Srobar children healing institute. The opening ceremony was on the 5. April 1920 guided by the Minister of Health Vavro Šrobár, M.D.
On the 1. July 1960 on the ground of decision The East Slovak regional national committee decision number 9-17/6-1960 in Košice and under the arrangements of health department of this committee was the Specialized health institute for children tuberculosis and respiratory diseases as a medical institution for tuberculosis and respiratory diseases established. As a one of the seven specialized institutes for TB and respiratory diseases underlie the General head office of specialized health institutes of tuberculosis and respiratory diseases in High Tatras. General head office, established on the 1. July 1960 by the East Slovak regional national committee in Košice, was the independent fiscal and later beneficial organization directed by Ministry of health of the Slovak Republic. The absolute legal personality the institute obtained by the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic number 3684/92-A-D/2 from 10.12.1992, which disestablished the General head office and the institute was from the 1.1.1993 incorporated under the direct obedience of the Ministry of Health. With the decision of Ministry of Health number 2638/1999-SLP dated on 10.05.2000 with the effectivity from 01.06.2000 the title of the institute changed on Srobar Institute for Children Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases and received the legal status of “highly specialized institute”.
On the ground of the government of Slovak Republic decision number 274 from 31.03.2004 the government of Slovak Republic accorded the permission to transformation from the state beneficial organization with the name Srobar Institute for Children Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases to a non-profit organization with the name Srobar Institute for Children TB and Respiratory Diseases, non-profit organization, high-specialized institute with date of transformation on 01.04.2004. Non-profit organization was constituted by charter following the article number 213/1997 of Collection of Laws about non-profit organizations providing the general helpful duties.
On the 01.06.2010 was Clinic of Children Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases established, which serves as a teaching base for the students of Jessenius medical faculty in Martin.