THE DEAN’S DAY OFF - Matriculation Ceremony 201802. 10. 2018
In connection with Matriculation Ceremony the Dean of JFMED CU gives THE DEAN’S DAY OFF on October 26, 2018 (Friday) to all 1st year students of JFMED CU.
The DEAN´S DAY OFF and the RECTOR´S DAY OFF02. 10. 2018
In connection with the All Saints´Day the Dean of JFMED CU prof. Ján Danko, M.D., PhD. GIVES THE DEAN´S DAY OFF on October 31, 2018 (Wednesday) and the Rector...
RECTOR´S DAY OFF 14. 09. 2018
In connection with AMOSFEST event held in Bratislava the Rector of CU prof. RNDr. Karol Micieta, PhD. gives THE RECTOR´S DAY OFF on September 26, 2018...
Opening Ceremony of the academic year 2018/201928. 08. 2018
Opening Ceremony of the academic year 2018/2019 at the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine CU in Martin, will be held on September 25, 2018 (Tuesday) at 10 a.m. in...
Schedule of Enrolments for the academic year 2018/201924. 08. 2018
Schedule of Enrolments for the academic year 2018/2019
Schedule of Academic Year 2018/201905. 09. 2018
Schedule of Academic Year 2018/2019
Dean's day off06. 04. 2018
In connection with XXXVIII. Students´ Scientific Conference the Dean of JFMED CU GIVES THE DEAN´S DAY OFF to all registered - active and passive participants...