Courses and simulation training of clinical skills
Medical Education Support Center offers the opportunity for students of JFM CU to train clinical skills in the Simulation center rooms also in academic year 2020/2021.
Students have to keep keep strict preventive measures.
The reservation has to be made at least one working day before the starting day of the course / training. Reservation can by done by email – , or personally in Simulation education center (2nd floor of AIC building, door number 325, Viktor Čech).
When you make reservation, you will be asked for the following information:
- Date and exact time of activity (e.g. 10.9.2021 from 1pm until 3pm)
- Number of participants ( max 15 participants per one course/ training)
- Skills which you would like to train (e.g. suturing, CPR,...), maximum topics to train per one reservation are 3.
Any changes of reservations including canceleration must be made by email or personally up to 24 hours before the start of the activity.
If no one will come for training up to 20 minutes after reservation time, without prior announcemen , reservation will be cancelled.