3rd year of study
Propedeutics in Internal Medicine, 6th semester, 3rd year of study
Study program: General Medicine
Guaranted by: Prof. J. Stasko, MD, PhD.
Each study group is supposed to have 2 practical lessons and 2 lectures focused on the examination of the haematological patient and basic laboratory examinations in haematology.
5th year of study
Course in hematology I, 10th semester, 5th year of study
Study program: General Medicine
Guaranted by: Prof. J. Stasko, MD, PhD.
5th year of study has a block teaching in the duration of 1 week.
To acquire the credits, the students are obligated to take part at at all practical lessons and to successfully pass the credit test.
6th year of study
Course in hematology II, 6th year of study
Study program: General Medicine
Guaranted by: Prof. J. Stasko, MD, PhD.
The theaching takes 1 week as a part of preparation for the state examination in Internal medicine. The course is compulsory. It consists of the examination and follow-up of a hematological patient, analysis of the laboratory and radiological findings, seminars focused on special topics and ward round with the head of the department. To successfully pass the course, students have to make a record of the patient they followed-up.
The practical part of the state examination may be executed at the Clinic of Hematology and Transfusiology