Graduate Study
- education of Otorhinolaryngology in winter semester /number 9/
responsible : prof.Andrej Hajtman,M.D.,PhD.
- education of Otorhinolaryngology in winter semester /number 9/
/English language/
responsible : prof.Andrej Hajtman,M.D.,PhD.
The form of education: lectures - online MS team, practical lessons + final exam - present form. The approach to MS team, you obtained from your representative.
The list of lectures:
1./ Otorhinolaryngological history, interest of otorhinolaryngology, relations with another medical disciplines. Inflammation os nasal mucosa, epipharynx, paranasal sinuses/acute, chronical/.
2./ Bleeding from nasal cavity,allergic illness of nasal and paranasal cavities. Nasal, epipharyngeal nd paranasal sinuses tumors/ benign, malignant/. The frontobasal injuries.
3./ Pharyngeal lymphatic system inflammation /acute, chronical, specific and non specific/. Complications of pharyngeal lymphatic system inflammation/local, total/. Pharyngeal tumors/benign, malignant/.
4./ Laryngeal inflammation /acute, chronical, specific, non specific/. Laryngeal tumors/benign ,malignant/. Laryngeal injuries. Laryngeal motility disorders. Suffocation.
5./ External ear inflammation. Middle ear inflammation /acute, chronical/.The complications of middle ear inflammations.
6./ Inner ear diseases/congenital, toxic demage,.../ . Menierś disease. Otosclerosis. Laterobasal injuries. External, middle, inner ear tumors /benign and malignant/.
Voice, speech and hearing disorders./congenital, aquired/. Voice, hearing, speech rehabilitation and education. Professional diseases in respiratory and digestive system. E.N.T.endoscopy. Oesophageal corrosion
Practical lesson´s topic
1./ Nasal and paranasal cavities - anatomy, physiology + pathology, history, exammination, therapy....
2./ Pharynx and oral cavity - anatomy, physiology + pathology, history, exammination, therapy....
3./ Larynx - anatomy, physiology + pathology, history, exammination, therapy....
4./ Suffocation in E.N.T. , E.N.T. surgery
5./ Ear I - anatomy, physiology + pathology, history, exammination, therapy....
6./ Ear II - hearing exammination /speech, tuning forks, audiometry/
7./ E.N.T.endoscopy
8./ Medical record, individual work with patient,varia
9./ Operation room, varia
10./ Medical record, individual work with patient,varia
The student science activity /SVOC/:
No topic in school year 2020/2021
The exam
- condition - attended practical lessons on 100%. At least it may be excused absence to 20% practical training. Compensation of missed teaching will be carried out usually in written form, during credit week, or with another group on request.
- the term - AIS2 system
- practical part /it s depend on condition on board / + oral part
- the exam students will complete during one day
The list of practical exam questions
1./ Examination of Eustachian tube function
2./ Epipharyngoscopy
3./ Laryngoscopy
4./ Hypopharyngoscopy
5./ Otoscopy
6./ Tamponade of nasal cavity
7./ Hearing defects – tuning forks
8./ Punction of sin.Highmori
9./ Rhinoscopy
10./Examinations of hearing by speech
11./Examination of neck lymphonode
12./Examination of paranasal sinuses
13./Examination of smell /olfactometry/
14./Examination of oral cavity, salivatory glands
15./ Audiogram
17./Endoscopy in E.N.T.
18./Paracenthesis, ear vax - lavage
19./Examination of vestibular system
20./ X ray in E.N.T.
The list of oral exam´s topic
1/ Diseases os the nose and paranasal sinuses
2/ Diseases of pharynx
3/ Diseases of larynx
4/ Diseases of lymphatic system of head and neck
5/ Diseases of ear
6/ Suffocation
System of education is changed due to Covid 19 situation. The lectures will be in online form - MS team, practical lessons + final exam - presence form - "face to face".
The practical lesson´s room is in building behind Stomatosurgery, on top floor. Ask for the key on secretary - same floor. The best entrance to building is from "west side", from Orthopedics.
You will choose term of exam from AIS system, like before.
Student obtained one topic of oral part.