Study literature
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
B. Kaztung et al.: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. McGrawHill Lange 12th Ed, 2012, 1229 s.
P. N. Bennet et al.: Clinical Pharmacology. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 11th Ed, 2012, 667 s.
H. P. Rang et al.: Rang and Dale`s Pharmacology. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 7th Ed, 2012, 777 p. - available online in intranet (
H. P. Rang et al.: Rang and Dale`s Pharmacology. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 8th Ed, 2015, ISBN-13: 9780702053627
Other sources for download
E ducational portal for teaching pharmacology and clinical pharmacology: (Slovak) (English)
Prescription in Norway (*.pdf)
Selected lectures and presentations - Portál JLF UK (