New Topics of Diploma Theses
Topics for academic year 2023/2024:
tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, M.D., PhD.:
1. Novel approaches in the treatment of cancer associated venous thromboembolism (CAVTE)
2. New therapeutic modalities for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
tutor: Juraj Sokol, M.D., PhD.:
1. Amyloidosis - diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
tutor: Lucia Stanciakova, M.D., PhD.:
1. Factor V Leiden in pregnancy
2. Venetoclax in haematological malignancies
tutor: Tomas Simurda, M.D., PhD.:
1. Fibrinogen replacement therapy in the management of coagulopathies
2. Management of pregnancy and delivery in congenital dysfibrinogenemia
tutor: Jana Zolkova, RNDr., PhD.:
1. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia:possibilities in laboratory diagnostics
2. Use of flow cytometry in multiple myeloma
external tutor: František Nehaj, M.D., PhD.:
1. Atrial fibrillation and current possibilities of anticoagulation therapy