Application requirements for Dissertation Defence
One of the requirements of dissertation defence application is the authorship or co-authorship of a PhD. student in at least three scientific papers in extenso in internationally recognized journals registered in the Web of Science, Medline or SCOPUS databases. A PhD. candidate must be the first author of at least one article.
Detailed information can be found in the Information Sheet HERE
It is recommended to submit required documents for dissertation defence application by March 31!
<output>Od 1.9.2019 nadobudla účinnosť Vyhláška MŠVVaŠ SR č. 244/2019 Z.z. o sústave študijných odborov SR. </output>
Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the system of study fields became effective as of September 1, 2019.
- the final theses are submitted in the electronic form via AIS system
- Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the system of study fields became effective as of September 1, 2019
- Annex to the Decree No. 244/2019 Coll.
Internal Regulation No. 5/2020 Directive of the Rector of CU, Annex No. 3 to the Internal Regulation No. 12/2013 Guidelines of the Rector of Comenius University on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at Comenius University.
Regulation came into force and is effective from May 18, 2020.
Please provide the title of the study field without codes - numbers!!!!
Supporting documents to the dissertation defence application:
1. dissertation in 5 copies (1 copy for the chair of the Board of Specialist, 3 copies for the opponents, 1 copy for the Dean´s Office )
2. dissertation submitted in the electronic form
Instructions for uploading the electronic form at - here!!!
3. dissertation assignment (Rector´s Directive No. 7/2018) - the original assignment is an integral part of the printed version of the dissertation; the electronic and printed form of the dissertation must be identical, except for the assignment, which is without signatures in the electronic version (effective from October 19, 2011) - output from AIS2
(assignment needs to include – Dissertation Title, annotation, key words in SK/EN are inserted into AIS2 by the Department of PhD study)
4. Three copies of dissertation assignment (signed by a guarantor, a supervisor and a student)
5. List of publication and teaching activities - two copies (Rector´s Directive No. 2/2013 on Registration of Publication Activity) - last page needs to be signed (request the list of your publication activity from the Academic Library of JFMED CU; contact person: Jana Mazáková -
6. Dissertation Defence Application – two copies
7. Curriculum Vitae – two copies signed by the applicant
8. Supervisor´s opinion - two copies
9. The originality checking protocol from a supervisor – one copy (effective from September 1, 2010)
- downloaded from AIS2
- downloaded from THESES
11. Supervisor´s Proposal to appoint three opponents
13. Annual Assessment as of the date of dissertation defence
Additional information
Rector´s Directive No. 7/2018 – full wording of IR No. 12/2013 Rector´s Directive on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at Comenius University in the wording of Amendment No. 1 and No. 2
The Directive came into force on 09.04.2018
- Rector´s Directive No. 6/2018 - Amendment No. 2 of IR No. 12/20136 of the Rector´s Directive on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at Comenius University
The Directive came into force and is effective from 20.03.2018
- Rector´s Directive No. 2/2018 – full wording of IR No. 12/2013 Rector´s Directive on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at Comenius University
The Directive came into force on 17.1.2018
- Internal Regulation CU No. 20/2017 – full wording of IR No. 8/2013 Study Regulations of Comenius University in Bratislava in the wording of the amendment No. 1 - 3.
The Directive came into force on 23.10.2017
- Internal Regulation No. 13/2020 – Study Regulations of JFMED CU, effective from September 1, 2020
The Directive came into force on 23. 10. 2017.
schválený predpis AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 3.
<output>schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 2.</output>
<output>schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 2.</output>
<output>schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 2.</output>
Predpis bol vydaný dňa 23. 10. 2017.
schválený predpis AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 3.
<output>schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 2.</output>
<output>schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 2.</output>
<output>schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 8/2013 Študijný poriadok UK v znení dodatku č. 1 až 2.</output>
Predpis bol vydaný dňa 23. 10. 2017.
Smernica rektora UK Dodatok č. 1 k VP č. 2/2013 Smernici rektora UK o evidencii publikačnej činnosti.
Predpis je platný a účinný od 12. 05. 2017.
- All doctoral students are advised to contact Department of PhD. studies well in advance, to make sure they submit all essentials for dissertation defence
- Delivering the presentation in Power Point
- Length of presentation is approx. 10 min.
- Contact person: Eva Andrisová ( - 043/2633326)