Useful simulators for distance learning
Virtual patients, sonographic modules or practical exercises. Here are some ways to improve distance learning.
Turbulent Sky
Webpage TurbulentSky offers online virtual simulation of disaster event. It offers training of disaster management. Students can obtain skills like ability to act responsibly, collaborate with other health and other professionals, critical thinking and decision making while providing healthcare during a disaster. Guidelines used in this simulation can be different as guidelines in Slovakia, but they can be same as in your country, it can be necessary to find adequate guidelines to solve this simulation.
To check your gained knowledge you can find there quiz challenge.
Virtual Healthcare Experience
Centennial College, Ryerson University, and George Brown College created virtual patient´s cases directly from hospital environment - de.ryerson. Here students can access a number of virtual simulation experiences that will engage you in clinical decision making.
Virtual Interactive Cases
Virtual Interactive Case System offers a lot of different cases of the virtual patient. Those cases are clinical reasoning exercises with feedback.
Cases include different parts of medicine:
- Anesthesia cases: HERE
- Preoperative: HERE
- Cases for Pharmacy: HERE
- Rheumatology cases: HERE
- Obstetric Medicine cases: HERE
- Familly medicine: HERE
- Nursing cases: HERE
COVID-19 virtual patient
Body Interact is offering a chance to experience free online courses with virtual patients infected with COVID-19 composed of six modules ( from basic to advanced). Zou will have 2 months to complete all modules. After successful completing all courses, you will receive a Certficate, which you can add to your CV.
Webpage offer the multimedia sonography presentations with instructor voice and text narration, patient cases in 13 sonography modules.
All training materials are compatible with desktop, tablet and smartphones.
Access without registration.
Image ultrasound atlas
The Pocus atlas is the collaborative Ultrasound Education Platform, where you can find images of different organ systems. Now this platform included important ultrasound finding in patients with COVID-19.
Access without registration.
Screen-based simulation cases
Here you will find 7 free screen based medical cases. In Menu choose Cases and set up you as student and you can access 7 free patient cases.
Access without registration.
Practical Clinical Skills
Practical Clinical Skills webpage provide free training and reference guides. Simple simulation-based lessons cover heart sounds, murmurs, lungsounds, carotid bruit, blood pressure measurement and ECG.
Heart – here you can listen different heart sounds from the list of sounds, find information about position of patient during examination and another useful informations and mini tests. Modul include pediatrics patients auscultations.
Lungs- this part offer list of over twenty adventitious and normal breath sounds, listening tips, waveforms, patient cases with lungs problems and minitests.
EKG – here you can find ECG definition, interpretations, waveform and minitests.
BP – you can train your sklil of taking blood pressure in short simulation with listening and test yourself. You can find here pediatric pacients as well.
Access without registration.
Ausculatation sounds for training you can find here:
Physical diagnoss: sounds, videos and images
Webpage offers a collection of multimedia resources aimed to help students learn and diagnose conditions by physical exam.
Students can find here resources for auscultation, cardiology, pulmonology, neurology....
Interesting are for exapmle webpages, where you can find pictures from otoscope . with different pathologies (HERE), or pictures from otoscope with different pathologies (HERE).