Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava


On 9 November 2016, the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, appointed twenty new university professors. Six of them teach at Comenius University.

10. 11. 2016 07.48 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

“I think that there can be no dispute about the fact that the quality of our schools, from kindergartens right through to universities, significantly influences what sort of country Slovakia is – the character it can have but primarily the character it wants to have. In both areas, esteemed professors, I see your role as an important and irreplaceable one. From now on your role carries the highest research and educational title that can be gained in Slovakia. Today, now more than ever, we need our universities to produce young people whose proficiency extends beyond their specialization. They need to be able to discern facts from lies and information and reliable sources from half-truths and various forms of manipulation. They need to be virtuous and honest people: the sort of people for whom the easiest solution is not necessarily the first choice and who know that helping others and wishing them well, and not envy, are what make people happy,” said the Slovak president in his ceremonial address.

The newly appointed professors at Comenius University are:
Prof. JUDr. Svetlana Ficová, CSc. (CU Faculty of Law), civil law
Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Grajcar, DrSc. (CU Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics), physics
Prof. MUDr. Jana Jurkovičová, CSc. (CU Faculty of Medicine), public health – inauguration ceremony held at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava
Prof. MUDr. Branislav Kollár, PhD. (CU Faculty of Medicine), neurology
Prof. MUDr. Martin Péč, PhD. (CU Jessenius Faculty of Medicine), biology – inauguration ceremony held at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Prof. MUDr. Jana Plevková, PhD. (CU Jessenius Faculty of Medicine), normal and pathological physiology

The complete list of newly appointed professors can be found at