Professor Péč is awarded the Grand Medal of St Gorazd
On 25 March 2019, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic gave awards to sixty-two teachers and others working in education.
The Minister of Education, Martina Lubyová, gave the awardees grand and minor medals of St Gorazd along with letters of thanks. The only teacher from Comenius University at this event was Professor Martin Péč, who is head of Institute of Medical Biology at the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, who was awarded for his teaching and research activity.
The ethical awards in education carrying the name of St Gorazd are the highest form of award in education and have existed since 1999. They are awarded by ministers of education on the occasion of International Teachers’ Day to teachers, educational workers, and workers and in other social areas who have done meritorious work for schools and pupils.
More information and a list of awardees can be found here.
The Minister of Education, Martina Lubyová, gave the awardees grand and minor medals of St Gorazd along with letters of thanks. The only teacher from Comenius University at this event was Professor Martin Péč, who is head of Institute of Medical Biology at the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, who was awarded for his teaching and research activity.
The ethical awards in education carrying the name of St Gorazd are the highest form of award in education and have existed since 1999. They are awarded by ministers of education on the occasion of International Teachers’ Day to teachers, educational workers, and workers and in other social areas who have done meritorious work for schools and pupils.
More information and a list of awardees can be found here
The Minister of Education, Martina Lubyová, gave the awardees grand and minor medals of St Gorazd along with letters of thanks. The only teacher from Comenius University at this event was Professor Martin Péč, who is head of Institute of Medical Biology at the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, who was awarded for his teaching and research activity.
The ethical awards in education carrying the name of St Gorazd are the highest form of award in education and have existed since 1999. They are awarded by ministers of education on the occasion of International Teachers’ Day to teachers, educational workers, and workers and in other social areas who have done meritorious work for schools and pupils.
More information and a list of awardees can be found here.
Ministerka školstva SR Martina Lubyová oceneným slávnostne odovzdala veľké a malé medaily sv. Gorazda,ako aj ďakovné listy. Ako jediný pedagóg z Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave si ocenenie prevzal prof. MUDr. Martin Péč, PhD., vedúci Ústavu lekárskej biológie Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty UK v Martine za jeho pedagogickú a vedecko-výskumnú činnosť. Ocenená malou medailou bola aj prof. PhDr. Marta Pančíková, CSc., ktorá bola 13 rokov vedúcou Katedry slovanských filológií Filozofickej fakulty UK v Bratislave. Medailu získala za dlhoročné vedenie Slovensko-poľskej komisie humanitných vied a za celoživotnú pedagogickú činnosť v slavistickej jazykovednej oblasti.
Morálne ocenenia v rezorte školstva nesúce meno svätého Gorazda sú najvyšším stupňom ocenenia v rezorte a existujú od roku 1999. Udeľujú ho ministri školstva pri príležitosti Dňa učiteľov pedagógom, školským pracovníkom a pracovníkom v iných oblastiach spoločenského života, ktorí vykonali záslužnú prácu pre školy a žiakov.
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