Jessenius Faculty of Medicine
in Martin
Comenius University Bratislava

Newly elected Vice-Deans of JFMED CU

The Academic Senate of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine CU in Martin approved at the meeting on February 18, 2019 the proposals of prof. Andrea Čalkovská, D.Sc, the Dean of JFMED CU to appoint new Vice-Deans of JFMED CU, who will start their offices on February 19, 2019.

19. 02. 2019 14.32 hod.
By: Kancelária dekanky JLF UK

Newly elected Vice-Deans of JFMED CU:

Assoc. prof. Branislav Kolarovszki, M.D.,PhD. , the first Vice-Dean and the Vice-Dean  for Development and Relations with Hospital

prof. Dušan Dobrota, M.D., PhD. Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities

 prof. Juraj Mokrý, M.D.,PhD. Vice-Dean for Educational Activities in General Medicine  Study Programme in Slovak language and Information Technologies

Assoc. prof. Mgr. Martina Bašková, PhD. Vice-Dean for Educational Activities in Non-Medical Study Programmes

prof. Ján Švihra, M.D.,PhD.  Vice-Dean for Postgraduate PhD. Study and Further    Education of Healthcare Professionals

Assoc. prof. Dagmar Statelová, M.D., PhD.  was deputed to carry out the agenda related to pedagogical activity in the Dental Medicine study program in the scope of competency of the Vice-Dean until the Vice-Dean is appointed after the previous approval by the Academic Senate of JFMED CU.

prof. RNDr. Erika Halasova, PhD.  continues to carry out the office of the Vice-Dean for pedagogical activity in the study program of General Medicine for students studying in English language and international  relations. Her term of office finishes on December 12, 2019.