Currently implemented topics
Alena Stryckova, MD: ''Genetics in patients with an inherited defect of factor VII (hypoproconvertinemia)'', tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Miroslava Drotarova, MD: "MicroRNA in patients with platelet hyperaggregability and thrombosis", tutor: Tomas Simurda, MD, PhD.
Kristina Maria Belakova, MD: "Genetic background of migraine in sticky platelet syndrome (SPS)", tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Monika Pecova, MD: "Changes in hemostasis in patients with oncological disease", tutor: assoc. prof. Juraj Sokol, MD, PhD.
Ludmila Linekova, MD: "Direct oral anticoagulants in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and their effect on primary and secondary haemostasis", tutor: assoc. prof. Juraj Sokol, MD, PhD.
Topic defended in the academic year 2021/2022
Monika Brunclikova, MD: ''Genetic background in patients with sticky platelet syndrome and arterial thrombosis'', tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Topic defended in the academic year 2019/2020
Jana Zolkova, MA: "Genetic background of inherited rare bleeding disorders and von Willebrand disease", tutor: prof. Peter Kubisz, MD, DSc.
Lubica Vadelova, MA: "MicroRNA and platelet hyperaggregability in Sticky Platelet Syndrome", tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Topic defended in the academic year 2018/2019
Matej Hrncar, MD: "Thrombophilic states in oncology", tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Topic defended in the academic year 2017/2018
Tomas Simurda, MD: "Comprehensive Diagnostics and Management of Congenital Fibrinogen Disorders", tutor: prof. Peter Kubisz, MD, DSc.
Topics defended in the academic year 2016/2017
Radoslava Simonova: "Monitoring of antithrombotic therapy with VASP phosphorylation assays", tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Lucia Stanciakova, MD: "The used of thromboelastometry in selected disorders of hemostasis", tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.
Lubica Korinkova, MA: "Analysis of von Willebrand factor multimers in von Willebrand disease", tutor: prof. Jan Stasko, MD, PhD.